Making Art
: Two Paintings
Trend Task
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  Level: Year 4 and year 8
Approach:One to one
Focus: Students can describe and interpret imagery and art making information in observed pictures, and express a personal response.
Resources: Photographic reproductions of two paintings by New Zealand artists. Different pairs of paintings were used at year 4 and year 8.

Questions / instructions:
Do not tell the title of the paintings.
I am going to show you reproductions of two paintings made by New Zealand artists.

Show picture 1.
1. I would like you to describe exactly what you see in this picture. Imagine I have never seen it before, and you're explaining it to me.
    Prompt: Describe exactly what is in the picture.

2. Can you tell me now what the picture makes you think about?

3. How does the painting make you feel?
    Prompt: Can you describe to me how it makes you feel?

4. Why do you think the artist did the painting this way?
Prompt: What do you think the artist is trying to say in this picture?

Show picture 2.
5. I would like you to describe exactly what you see in this picture. Imagine I have never seen it before, and you're explaining it to me.
    Prompt: Describe exactly what is in the picture.

6. Can you tell me now what the picture makes you think about?

7. How does the painting make you feel?
    Prompt: Can you describe to me how it makes you feel?

8. Why do you think the artist did the painting this way?
    Prompt:What do you think the artist is trying to say in this picture?

Show both pictures alongside each other.
Now I would like you to look at both of the pictures together.

9. I would like you to explain any similarities you can see in the two pictures.
    Prompt: Can you see any features in the two pictures that are similar?
    Prompt: Are there any other similarities that you can see?

10.Could you now explain the important differences between the two pictures?
    Prompt: Are there any other important differences?

11.Would you now make up a title for each picture.
    Prompt: What name or title would you give to this one?
    Prompt: This one?

12.Which of these two pictures do you prefer?
    Prompt: Which one do you like most?

13.Why do you like that one most?
    Prompt: Try to explain to me why you like this one more than the other one.




Although the paintings were changed between year 4 and year 8, the task procedure was the same.

The change of paintings between year 4 (top) and year 8 (bottom) needs to be taken into account when considering these results.

mean score
(0 low – 3 high)
Key attributes:
identification of images; detail of description; art making information (use of colour, dimensionality, etc.)
1.5(1.6) 1.7(1.8)
sense of engagement; curiosity; confidence; feelings, empathy
1.0(1.1) 1.3(1.3)
accounting for detail; narrative - tells a story; relevant use of art vocabulary; fluency of ideas; backing opinions with reasons; use of metaphor
1.1(1.2) 1.5(1.4)
(0 low – 5 high)
Global rating:
1.9(1.9) 2.2(2.2)
In this task, students' responses in 1999 were compared with a carefully selected sample of students' responses in 1995. Both sets of responses were marked by the same team of teacher markers. While the results of the analytic marking of the key attributes show a few minor differences from 1995 to 1999 at year 4 and year 8; the mean global ratings are the same. Students at both levels show a little more success in describing the details of paintings than interpreting and responding to the same paintings. The distribution of global ratings on the 6 point scale also show little difference from 1995 to 1999 in both year 4 and year 8.
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