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Approach: One to one Level: Year 4 and year 8
access task
Focus: Students can identify and discuss the materials, processes and procedures, and cultural elements of a work of art
Resources: Pendant

% responses
2007 ('03)
Give student the pendant.

This is a special sort of pendant.
1. What does its shape remind you of?    
fish hook
23 (23)
48 (44)
26 (22)
27 (29)
2. What do you think the shape of the pendant means?
not marked
3. What do you think it is made from?
22 (30)
58 (73)
12 (18)
4 (8)
If student doesn’t say bone, tell them.

4. How do you think it was made?
Number of ideas mentioned:
(Mentioned gathering materials; gathering tools; preparing bone (boiling, bleaching); drazawing on/establishing design; shaping bone outline/carving; grinding/filing details of design; sanding/filing/smoothing;
polishing; attaching cord)
6 or more
0 (0)
1 (0)
4 - 5
2 (2)
6 (7)
2 - 3
24 (20)
38 (40)
53 (59)
49 (49)
5. Who do you think would like to wear this?
not marked
6. Why might that person like to wear it?
Mäori or other Polynesian, because of cultural significance
24 (22)
48 (39)
as above, but without explanation
39 (35)
20 (35)
no clear mention of Mäori or Polynesian, but with explanation of cultural significance
3 (3)
9 (5)
no mention of Mäori or Polynesian
34 (40)
24 (24)
people who like fishing
2 (1)
4 (6)
people who like (nice) pendants
6 (5)
11 (6)
7. If you were going to give this to someone as a gift, who would you give it to?
clearly identified a person to give it to
91 (87)
93 (91)
8. Why would you give it to that person?
not marked
Total score:
3 (4)
24 (27)
19 (18)
30 (34)
34 (37)
31 (29)
31 (27)
13 (7)
13 (14)
2 (2)
Subgroup Analysis:
Year 4

Year 8

Students at year 8 were substantially more successful at describing and discussing a pendant in the shape of a fish hook than were year 4 students. Students at neither year were particularly good at explaining how the pendant was made. Most students at both years understood that it might likely be worn by a person of Mäori or Polynesian background. Boys were slightly more successful at this task than girls at both year 4 and year 8. Pasifika students had more trouble with the task than Pakeha or Mäori students at both years. Performance in 2007 was quite similar to performance in 2003.
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