:Going to the Dentist
Trend Task
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Approach:  One to one Level: Year 8
Focus: Interpreting a graph 
Resources: Graph


Give student graph.

Here is a graph about people’s visits to the dentist.
I’m going to ask you some questions, and you will need to look at the graph to find the answers.

[click on graph to enlarge]
% responses
2003 ('99)
1. What does the graph show about the number of visits to the dentist as people get older?
people go less often as they get older
64 (64)
2. Which group of people have the smallest number of visits to the dentist?
males 20-24 years old
66 (69)
3. What percentage of males aged 10–14 go to the dentist once a year?
58 (62)
4. What are three things this graph tells about dentist visits by females aged 10–14?
3 points made
41 (43)
2 points made
13 (12)
1 point made
15 (13)
Total score:

19 (21)
34 (33)
29 (29)
18 (17)
Year 8 students in 2003 interpreted a graph with the same level of success as year 8 students in 1999. About 20 percent of students answered all questions accurately.
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