:Phone Message
Trend Task
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Approach:  One to one Level: Year 4 and year 8 
Focus:  Accurately recalling a message.  
Resources: Audio recording on laptop computer.

[This activity uses the computer for a soundtrack only. There are no visuals provided on the computer.]

This activity uses the computer.
Click the Phone Message button.
On the video you are going to hear a message left on an answerphone.
You will only hear the message once, so listen carefully.
After you have listened to the message, I will ask you to tell me what it said.
Put the headphones on so that I can’t hear.
Click the Play button.

Audio script:
"Hello. This is Frank Kane of the town library speaking. I’d like to leave a message for one of the teachers called Mrs Bright. Would you tell her that it will be all right for her class to visit the library next Tuesday at 11 o’clock. We’ll have the videos about wild animals that she wants the kids to see. It takes about half an hour. Thanks."

You’ve listened to the message and I didn’t hear it. I want you to tell me what the message said.
Try to tell me all of the information.

% responses
2002 ('98)
from Frank Kane (or interpretable variant)
28 (22)
58 (51)
of town library (or interpretable variant)
37 (26)
65 (60)
to Mrs Bright (or similar)
40 (37)
48 (54)
okay for class to visit library
78 (75)
82 (84)
next Tuesday  
31 (25)
33 (36)
at 11am  
32 (27)
47 (45)
has the video  
62 (70)
77 (86)
about wild animals
58 (63)
66 (73)
video takes about half an hour  
36 (37)
57 (54)
Total score:

2 (1)
11 (14)
21 (18)
37 (36)
39 (39)
36 (34)
28 (32)
14 (14)
10 (10)
2 (2)

About 25 percent more year 8 than year 4 students included 6 or more correct items of information in their retelling. There was little change between 1998 and 2002 at either year level.

Chapter Graphic
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