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Approach: One to one  
Focus:   Place value
Resources:  Käri Lotto


Koia nei te rahi o ngä moni ka wini i te tangata mënä
ka waimarie ia i te Lotto.
Hoatu te käri ki te äkonga.

% responses
1. Panuihia mai tënei tau ki ahau.

$2 105 369:

read the number correctly with place value


read the number as single digits


Tohua te 6.
2. E tohu ana te 6 i te aha?    Pätai äwhina: He aha te tikanga o te 6?

60 / six tens


Tohua te 5.
3. E tohu ana te 5 i te aha?    Pätai äwhina: He aha te tikanga o te 5?

5000 / five thousands


Tohua te 9.
4. E tohu ana te 9 i te aha?    Pätai äwhina: He aha te tikanga o te 9?


9 / nine ones


Tohua te 1.
5. E tohu ana te 1 i te aha?     Pätai äwhina: He aha te tikanga o te 1?


100 000 / one hundred thousands


Tohua te 3.
6. E tohu ana te 3 i te aha?    Pätai äwhina: He aha te tikanga o te 3?


300 / three hundreds


Tohua te 2.
7. E tohu ana te 2 i te aha?   Pätai äwhina: He aha te tikanga o te 2?


2 000 000 / two million


Overall, students showed a reasonable understanding of the place value of the digits
in this number (2 105 369) .

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