: Introduction
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The assessments included thirty-five tasks investigating students’ understandings, processes and skills in the area of mathematics called number. Number includes the ways numbers are represented, their value,

operations on number, accuracy and efficiency in calculating, estimating and making approximations.
Twelve tasks were identical for both year 4 and year 8. Thirteen tasks had overlapping versions for year 4 and year 8 students, with some parts common to both levels. Seven tasks were attempted by year 8 students only, and three by year 4 only. Eight are trend tasks (fully described with data for both 1997 and 2001), fifteen are released tasks (fully described with data for 2001 only), and twelve are link tasks (to be used again in 2005, so only partially described here).

The tasks are presented in the three sections: trend tasks, then released tasks and finally link tasks. Within each section, tasks attempted (in whole or part) by both year 4 and year 8 students are presented first, then tasks where year 4 and year 8 students did parallel tasks, followed by tasks attempted only by year 8 students.

Averaged across 229 task components administered to both year 4 and year 8 students, 25 percent more year 8 than year 4 students succeeded with these components. Year 8 students performed better on every component. As expected, the differences were generally larger on more difficult tasks — often tasks that many year 4 students would not yet have had much opportunity to learn in school.

There was evidence of modest improvement between 1997 and 2001, especially for year 4 students. Averaged across 59 trend task components attempted by year 4 students in both years, 5 percent more students succeeded in 2001 than in 1997. Gains occurred on 51 of the 59 components. At year 8 level, with 106 trend task components included, 3 percent more students succeeded in 2001 than in 1997. Gains occurred on 85 of the 106 components.

Students at both levels scored poorly in tasks involving estimation and tasks involving fractions (especially fractions other than halves and quarters). Asked to work on computations such as 36 + 29 or 9 x 98, few students at both levels chose the simplification of adjusting one of the numbers to a more easily handled adjacent number (making the 29 into 30, or the 98 into 100). Most relied instead on the standard algorithms for these tasks, indicating a lack of deep understanding of number operations. The following percentages of year 8 students got ninety percent or more of tested basic facts correct: 99 percent for addition, 95 percent for subtraction, 86 percent for multiplication, and 65 percent for division. For year 4 students, the corresponding percentages were 84 percent, 53 percent, 26 percent, and 11 percent.

Chapter Graphic
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