Sprint Times
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Approach:  Station
Level: Year 4 and year 8
Focus: Placing time measurements in order  
5 stickers, answer booklet

Five girls have just run a 100-metre race. The stopwatches show their finishing times in seconds.
Use the stickers to show their finishing times in order from slowest to fastest.

% responses
2009 ('05)
Helen, Äwhina, Li-Ming, Kim, Tuila: all five in correct order 69 (75) 92 (91)
  all five in reverse order 5 (3) 2 (2)
mostly correct 10 (10) 3 (5)
Total score:
3 69 (75) 92 (91)
2 5 (3) 2 (2)
1 10 (10) 3 (5)
0 16 (12) 3 (2)
Subgroup Analysis [Click on charts to enlarge] :
Year 4

Year 8

More than two thirds of students at both year levels succeeded fully with this task. There was little change at either year level between 2005 and 2009. At year 8 level, all subgroups performed similarly, but year 4 Pasifika students had markedly lower success than the other subgroups.