Jazzy Cats

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Approach:  Group
Level: Year 4 and year 8
Focus: Playing melodic parts  
Video on laptop computer, 4 beaters, 4 music cards, 2 chime bar sets, 4 team badges, Working Together team card


This activity uses the computer. Put on badges. Read and explain ‘Working Together’ card with students.
Hand out music and the chime bars and beaters to each child.

Student 1: low C Student 2: G, A Student 3: high C, G Student 4: E, D, low C

In this activity, your team is going to learn to play four melodic patterns. First have a go at playing the chime bars.
Allow time. Ensure all students hold the beater appropriately.
[Student 1] will do pattern 1. [Student 2] will do pattern 2. [Student 3] will do pattern 3 and [Student 4] will do pattern 4.
The teacher on the video will show you what to do. Be ready to join in when she tells you to.
Click the Jazzy Cats button.

Jazzy Cats Patterns
% responses
2008 ('04)
Playing individually:    
Student 1: [C rest rest rest] pattern accurate throughout 51 (35) 61 (51)
pattern played accurately initially but not maintained throughout 24 (37) 28 (36)
pattern played accurately by last two bars, but not initially 6 (8) 3 (5)
pattern not played accurately 19 (20) 8 (8)
Student 2: [ G A G A] pattern accurate throughout 79 (65) 75 (80)
pattern played accurately initially but not maintained throughout 12 (26) 20 (18)
pattern played accurately by last two bars, but not initially 6 (4) 3 (0)
pattern not played accurately 3 (5) 2 (2)
Student 3: [C rest G rest] pattern accurate throughout 41 (36) 56 (51)
pattern played accurately initially but not maintained throughout 20 (20) 18 (24)
pattern played accurately by last two bars, but not initially 17 (24) 10 (12)
pattern not played accurately 22 (20) 16 (13)
Student 4: [E D C rest] pattern accurate throughout 43 (46) 67 (60)
pattern played accurately initially but not maintained throughout 26 (28) 24 (34)
pattern played accurately by last two bars, but not initially 8 (7) 2 (0)
pattern not played accurately 23 (19) 7 (6)
Playing together: (three or more students present)    
Coherence of group performance: (accuracy of individual patterns and collective timing)
  highly coherent throughout 7 (5) 32 (33)
largely coherent 27 (29) 43 (42)
substantial irregularities 39 (50) 21 (21)
incoherent 27 (16) 4 (4)

Total score:
14–15 10 (4) 33 (29)
12–13 25 (20) 26 (35)
10–11 15 (29) 26 (15)
8–9 24 (18) 10 (17)
0–7 26 (29)
5 (4)
Year 8 students observed rests better than year 4 students, and often managed more coherent group performances. There was little change from 2004 to 2008. It should be noted that, as the four students each played a different pattern, this was scored as a team task and therefore does not allow for subgroup analyses.