Reports are ordered alphabetically by author surname. Multi-author reports are ordered
by surname of the first author.

Not all reports have been prepared for the website yet but if not, you will link to a summary.
Full reports of each probe study will be available on this website by January 2004.

The reports are also available from USEE.

Most author's names link to a list of contact details. Where an author's name does not provide a link, their current contact details are not available.

NEMP Marking Procedures and Consistency
Nicole Brown
The Effect of Assessment Task Format on Student Achievement Liz Eley and Robyn Caygill
Group Assessment: Exploring the Influences of Group Gender Composition Grace Grima
Kohia ngä taikäkä – Seek the heartwood:
Issues of validity in translating NEMP assessment tasks
Joe Hunter and Liz Eley
Are there aspects of the Mäori pängarau curriculum
that are not being assessed, or adequately assessed
through NEMP tasks when the English tasks are
translated into Mäori?
John Ohia
Critical, Creative, Reflective and Logical Thinking in the NEMP Assessments Gordon Knight
Measuring Success: Using NEMP to Conduct School-Wide Review and Development Peter Vestappen
Student Responses to Critical Thinking Tasks in the NEMP Assessments Gordon Knight
The Effects of Teacher Perceptions on Adopting a New Role Lynee Bowyer & Tamsin Meaney
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