Come On Over
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Approach:  One to one
Level: Year 8
Focus: Persuading  
Work book
task 112Kb

Sometimes we want to talk someone into thinking about things the same way we think about them. For example, you might try to persuade your parents to let you stay up late to watch a movie on TV. When we are trying to persuade someone we have to think of some good reasons for them to agree.

You are going to pretend that you want to have a friend come over to your place after school. You have to try and convince your parents that it would be a good idea.

You will need to try to think of some really good reasons for having your friend come to your house. Try to think of things your parents might not like about having your friend over and what you could say to them about those things.

You can have a few moments to think about what you might say to your parents and how you might say it. Then you can imagine that I am your parent and tell me what you would say.
Allow time.

1. Now imagine that I am your parent. Try to persuade me with your good reasons, and remember that I might not want to have your friend come over after school.

% responses
2008 ('04)
Degree to which enthusiasm for having friend over had been communicated:
very strongly
14 (8)
39 (32)
39 (48)
8 (12)
Degree to which possible parental arguments against had been addressed and/or countered by alternative arguments:
25 (17)
40 (29)
30 (42)
very little/not at all
5 (12)
Coherence of presentation:
very coherent
61 (50)
moderately coherent
35 (43)
not coherent
4 (7)
Speech clarity:
84 (80)
14 (17)
2 (3)
Overall strength of argument:
very persuasive
19 (16)
quite persuasive
42 (34)
a little persuasive
32 (40)
not persuasive
7 (10)

Total score:
18 (17)
25 (15)
22 (18)
22 (29)
13 (21)
Subgroup Analysis [Click on charts to enlarge] :
Year 8

There was a wide range of performance on this task, arising mainly from the first two criteria (communication of enthusiasm and addressing probable parental concerns). Performance improved a little from 2004 to 2008. Girls had their largest margin over boys for any speaking tasks.