:Spreading Seeds
Trend Task
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Approach:  One to one Level: Year 4 and year 8
Focus: Plant adaptation 
Resources: 3 pictures, bidibid seeds


In this activity we’ll be talking about how different seeds are spread.

% responses
2003 ('99)
Show student picture 1: dandelion.
1. How do you think the dandelion’s seeds are helped to spread?
57 (72)
86 (82)
If necessary tell student that dandelion seeds are spread by the wind.
2. What is special about the way dandelion seeds are made that help them get spread by the wind?

20 (30)
36 (35)
fluffy bits to get caught by wind
20 (26)
35 (26)
parachute/umbrella effect for landing
6 (9)
18 (14)
3. What might be good about seeds being spread by the wind?

can travel a long way/land in good growth environment
17 (19)
36 (36)
other valid, well-explained reason
11 (20)
13 (10)
Show student picture 2: miro berry.
4. How might the seeds of the miro berry be spread?

eaten and spread in bird or animal droppings
2 (6)
18 (17)
eaten by animals/birds
10 (14)
23 (17)
by animals/birds
5 (10)
11 (15)
If necessary tell student that miro berry seeds are sometimes eaten by birds and other animals and the seeds are spread in the droppings.
5. What is special about the way berry seeds are made that help them get spread by birds or other animals?

colour to attract bird
9 (11)
22 (36)
nice flavour, good food
16 (21)
26 (36)
hard seeds that survive being eaten/digested
1 (4)
9 (4)
6. What might be good about seeds being spread in bird or other animal droppings?

can travel a long way/land in good growth environment
11 (11)
32 (28)
droppings fertilise seeds
5 (11)
13 (17)
other valid, well-explained reason
7 (7)
11 (7)
Show student picture 3:
bidibid and packet of bidibid seeds.
7. These seeds belong to the bidibid family. How do you think bibibid seeds are spread?
caught on moving creatures
9 (15)
38 (45)
If necessary tell student that the seed clings to animals or clothing.
8. What is special about the way bibibid seeds are made that help them get spread by clinging to fur or clothing?

hooks/barbs grab stongly onto fabric/fur (hard to get off)
2 (5)
9 (6)
prickles/spikes get into fabric/fur (but relatively easily brushed off)
46 (65)
53 (59)
9. What might be good about being spread by clinging to animal fur or clothing?

can travel a long way/land in good growth environment
13 (26)
38 (32)
other valid, well-explained reason
5 (2)
8 (10)
10. What might be not so good about seeds being spread by the wind, in animal droppings or on animal fur?

a lot end up in places where they won’t grow well
4 (10)
16 (15)
they are a nuisance; end up in places where they are not wanted
23 (24)
46 (36)
Total score:

11 –16
1 (3) 12 (12)
5 (11) 29 (30)
18 (31) 34 (28)
51 (43) 19 (20)
25 (12) 6 (10)
This task was difficult for most year 4 students, with only 24 percent getting more than one quarter of the maximum score. By contrast, 75 percent of year 8 students achieved that. There was no meaningful change between 1999 and 2003 for year 8 students, but a clear decline in performance of year 4 students.
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