:Our Solar System
Trend Task
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Approach:  One to one Level: Year 4 and year 8
Focus: Solar system 
Resources: 4 pictures


In this activity we’ll talk about the moon, the sun, Earth and Mars.

% responses
2003 ('99)
Show student moon (picture 1).

Here is a picture of the moon.
1. What is the moon?
Try to tell me all that you know about the moon.

satellite of the Earth
(travels round the earth)
12 (8)
33 (26)
smaller than Earth
2 (3)
8 (5)
made of rocky materials
17 (11)
18 (17)
about 400,000kms from Earth
0 (0)
0 (0)
reflects sun onto Earth (provides light at night)
12 (8)
22 (16)
has lots of craters
35 (36)
42 (42)
has no atmosphere/oxygen/ air/ozone/clouds, etc.
9 (21)
17 (21)
any other valid scientific response (not myths or historical events)
9 (10)
10 (6)
2. Imagine you have arrived on the moon.
What would you notice that is different from being on planet Earth?

no atmosphere/oxygen/air
31 (30)
45 (45)
black sky all the time
10 (8)
10 (7)
you can see the earth from there
1 (0)
3 (3)
less gravity than on Earth
6 (4)
16 (11)
[no gravity]
[25 (21)]
[37 (29)]
no vegetation/animals/people
34 (33)
44 (40)
rocky/dusty/barren landscape
27 (30)
45 (34)
no water
16 (11)
18 (18)
3. How is it that we can see the moon with our eyes?

Prompt: What makes the moon visible to us?
light of sun reflected from moon
23 (25)
42 (46)
4. Why do you think that the moon appears to change its shape?

Prompt: Try to explain why the moon looks different at different times of the month or year.
part seen (as bright) depends on relative positions of sun, moon and earth
6 (5)
18 (17)
has idea, but not well explained
16 (29)
29 (33)
Show student Earth (picture 2) and Mars (picture 3).
Here is a picture of planet Earth and a picture of planet Mars.
Scientists tell us that people like us cannot live on Mars but we know that we can live on planet Earth.
5. Why can’t people live on planet Mars?
Tell me as many reasons as you can think of.

(very hot during day, cold at night)
3 (0)
5 (7)
just one
52 (56)
59 (51)
atmosphere issues
51 (47)
73 (71)
lack of water
34 (25)
50 (46)
lack of food
24 (19)
22 (13)
6. Why are we able to live on planet Earth?
Tell me as many reasons as you can think of.

temperature suits our bodies
21 (24)
30 (26)
52 (59)
78 (72)
57 (46)
72 (67)
food sources
37 (32)
41 (29)
Show student Sun (picture 4).

Here is a picture of the sun.
7. The sun is not a planet. What is the sun?
41 (34)
57 (28)
ball of fire/gases
29 (27)
26 (47)
8. How is the sun different from planet Earth?

much bigger
13 (8)
24 (15)
extremely hot/ball of fire
84 (82)
91 (85)
no life or life requirements
(e.g. water/oxygen)
22 (16)
37 (28)
no well defined surface (outer layers gas/plasma rather than solid/liquid)
6 (4)
15 (3)
Total score:

1 (0)
7 (0)
5 (4)
20 (14)
21 (17)
29 (29)
33 (36)
25 (28)
28 (29)
16 (24)
12 (14)
3 (5)
Between 1999 and 2003, there has been very little change in performance for year 4 students, but a small increase for year 8 students.
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