:Equal and Different
Trend task
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Approach: One to one Level: Year 4 and year 8 
Focus: Rights and challenges associated with disability.
Resources: Video recording on laptop computer, photograph of Sally. Movie Icon Movie/Zipped: 3.5MB

This activity is about a girl called Sally who is applying for a job. We’ll start by watching a video.

Video Script:
Sally is 13 years old. She keeps fit by doing athletics at school and delivering leaflets for her dad’s lawn mowing business. But right now her Dad doesn’t have any work for her. So Sally’s looking for a new job. One day she saw this ad in the paper.
“Fit young person wanted for evening paper deliveries. Phone Tom Downer, 345-6789”.
Sally decided to ring Mr Downer. He asked her about her age and her fitness. Sally told him that she was very fit and experienced at delivering leaflets. Mr Downer asked her to come and see him the next day. After school, Sally went to see Mr Downer. As she went in she said, “Hello, Mr Downer, I’m Sally. Remember you asked me to come in about a job?” “Oh”, he said, looking rather uncomfortable. “I didn’t, ah, realise, that you, I thought you said you were fit.”
“I am,” said Sally. “Are you worried about my wheelchair? ”
Mr Downer didn’t know what to say.

% responses
2001 ('97)
Show video.
1. What skills would someone need to do the evening paper delivery? 
able to travel from house to house
38 (24)
25 (33)
able to put papers where they need to be placed
12 (10)
13 (16)
able to carry papers
7 (6)
5 (9)
7 (6)
19 (13)
2. Why do you think Mr Downer felt uncomfortable?
questions if person in wheelchair can do job
70 (62)
78 (90)
3. Do you think Sally sounds able to do the job? Why?
69 (77)
90 (88)
11 (5)
5 (5)
20 (18)
5 (7)
full and balanced
1 (0)
1 (2)
clear but one-sided for Sally
28 (28)
56 (61)
clear but one-sided against Sally
10 (12)
4 (3)
4. What kinds of problems might Sally have if she got the job deliveringnewspapers?
energy and effort required (especially if hilly route)
31 (35)
41 (48)
obstacles to access (e.g. to reach mailbox)
18 (12)
36 (45)
carrying the load of papers
9 (8)
17 (24)
5. If you were Mr Downer what kinds of things would you be worried about?
energy and effort required
21 (14)
25 (24)
obstacles to access
6 (3)
10 (15)
carrying the load of papers
2 (2)
3 (6)
11 (9)
17 (20)
Total score:
10 (6)
14 (34)
26 (21)
37 (35)
38 (43)
36 (24)
26 (30)
13 (7)
Many students did not show much insight into the issues in this task. Year 8 students did a little better than year 4 students. Year 4 students performed similarly in 1997 and 2001, but year 8 students handled this task less well in 2001 than in 1997.
Chapter Graphic
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