Trend task
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Approach: Station Level: Year 4 and year 8   
Focus: The way people’s activities are influenced by their environment
Resources: 2 pictures
Manda lives in the desert. His way of life and where he lives are very different from what you are used to.

Some of the things Manda needs will be the same as some of the things you need. Try to think of 4 things.

What are the things that you and Manda both need? How do you get those things? How might Manda get these things?

% responses
2005 (01)
Ways you get those things

Overall rating for appropriateness of ideas:

all very appropriate
15 (13)
35 (36)
mostly appropriate
27 (33)
24 (26)
some appropriate
41 (40)
29 (28)
any other response
17 (14)
12 (10)
Ways Manda might get those things

Overall rating for appropriateness of ideas:

all very appropriate
9 (8)
29 (25)
mostly appropriate
23 (25)
26 (23)
some appropriate
48 (54)
31 (39)
any other response
20 (13)
14 (13)
Total score:
14 (15)
36 (32)
16 (18)
17 (23)
14 (14)
11 (8)
32 (35)
21 (22)
13 (9)
7 (9)
11 (9)
8 (6)
Three main areas were used in classifying the needs: physical health, mental/emotional/spiritual needs and possessions. For both year 4 and year 8 students, more than 10 times as many of the identified needs were classified as physical health needs than in either of the other two categories. About 20 percent more year 8 than year 4 students scored highly. There was no meaningful change at either year level between 2001 and 2005.
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