:Rodney's Window
Trend task
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Approach: Team Level: Year 4 and year 8   
Focus: Historical change and its consequences
Resources: 3 pictures; instruction card; answer sheet
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Here are three pictures looking out of Rodney’s window. The first picture shows when he was a baby, the second when he was at intermediate school and the third when he finished high school.

You are going to use these pictures to think and talk about the changes that took place from when Rodney was a baby. Here are the things you are to do.

Show and read the instruction card to the students. Give out the answer sheet.

When you have finished the four activities I’ll ask you to tell me what you decided. Each person can have a turn at telling me about what you have written down.

Allow time.
Now it’s time for you to tell me what you decided. Remember, each person can have a turn at telling
me about what you have written down.
Instruction Card
1. Talk together about the changes seen through the window from when Rodney was a baby, until when he finished high school.
Agree on 3 of the main changes, then write them on the chart.
2. Talk about the reasons why the changes happened.
Agree on 3 of the main reasons, then write them on the chart.
3. Talk about the good things that would happen with the changes.
Agree on 3 of the best things, then write them down.
4. Talk about the things that are not so good about the changes.
Agree on 3 of the worst things, then write them down.

% responses
2005 (01)
1. What did you think were 3 of the main changes seen through the window from when Rodney was a baby?
How well has the team captured the main changes?
very well
7 (5)
19 (15)
moderately well
21 (17)
51 (37)
a little
49 (43)
21 (46)
any other response
23 (35)
9 (2)
2. What did you think were 3 of the main reasons why the changes happened?
How well has the team identified the causes for the changes?
very well
1 (0)
8 (3)
moderately well
12 (3)
37 (27)
a little
46 (30)
43 (52)
any other response
41 (67)
12 (18)
3. What did you think were 3 of the good things that would happen with the changes?
How well has the team identified the positive consequences of the changes?
very well
3 (0)
8 (3)
moderately well
12 (7)
35 (12)
a little
35 (31)
41 (60)
any other response
50 (62)
16 (25)
4. What did you think were 3 of the not so good things that would happen with the changes?
How well has the team identified the negative consequences of the changes?
very well
8 (0)
19 (5)
moderately well
18 (13)
47 (37)
a little
48 (44)
27 (56)
any other response
26 (43)
7 (2)
Total score:
3 (0)
12 (5)
5 (2)
20 (7)
12 (6)
35 (33)
25 (19)
18 (30)
33 (33)
7 (25)
22 (40)
8 (0)
Both year 4 and year 8 students scored substantially higher in 2005 than in 2001. Whereas 20 percent of year 4 students obtained a total score of six or more, 67 percent of year 8 students reached that level.
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