Chapter Graphic
: Trend Task: Car Wash
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Approach: Team Level: Year 4 and year 8
Focus:   Generating possible solutions and related strategies 
Resources: Car park mat (folded A3), toy cars, post-it notes, instruction card, 6 picture cards, answer sheet, rags and sponges

In this activity you’re going to work together as a team.
Imagine that your sports team has been chosen to go to national champs. You need to raise lots of money. You decide to organise a car wash on Saturday mornings in a car park by a busy road. Here is a plan of the car park.
Show car park mat, cars, picture cards and other equipment.

Here is some of the equipment you need for cleaning the cars. If there’s anything else you decide you need, you can draw or write it on these post-it notes.
Hand out equipment (not answer sheet).
At any one time you think there will be five to ten cars to
wash so you need to work out a good system. There are different tasks to do. Everyone in your team needs to know what they will do. Use the plan, the toy cars, the equipment and the cards to work out your system. Begin by talking about your system and how it will work. When you’ve finished doing that, let me know.
Allow time.
Now you are to make a plan which shows and explains exactly how your system works for cleaning cars.

Draw your system on the answer sheet. Write labels or captions that explain how it works, and what each person does. When your plan is ready, tell me. Then I’ll ask you to describe it to me.

Hand out answer sheet and instruction card.
Allow time for students to develop their plan.
Now describe your system to me.

% responses
2004 ('00)
Features included in group plan:
(on paper or oral report to teacher)
reception of customers
18 (10)
28 (31)
collecting money
45 (27)
60 (55)
initial hosing to remove loose grime
28 (17)
42 (22)
Application of detergent/soap –
36 (46)
52 (56)
implicitly (bucket shown)
60 (46)
46 (40)
Rinsing off –                                          explicitly
44 (30)
52 (55)
implicitly (hose shown)
38 (32)
31 (27)
61 (71)
52 (53)
14 (5)
25 (13)
87 (79)
95 (100)
wiping interior glass and/or other surfaces
9 (7)
15 (13)
allocating specific tasks to different people
60 (47)
63 (59)
explicit provision for efficient handling of several cars at once
(assembly line or multiple stations)
57 (62)
91 (85)
efficient use of available space
55 (52)
86 (81)
How well does the paper version of the plan show sequence of activities?
20 (17)
55 (57)
41 (42)
29 (36)
not at all
39 (41)
16 (7)
How well does the plan on paper capture the orally-reported plan?
29 (47)
53 (57)
moderately well
48 (34)
35 (34)
23 (19)
12 (9)
How well does the orally-reported plan cover the features of the plan on paper?
30 (46)
55 (47)
moderately well
51 (36)
38 (44)
19 (18)
7 (9)
Total score:
6 (2)
21 (17)
17 (19)
37 (30)
35 (24)
27 (32)
24 (39)
12 (17)
18 (16)
3 (4)
Year 8 teams performed substantially better than year 4 teams, perhaps indicating more car-washing experience and better capacity to understand and explain a complex system. Thirty-five percent more year 8 than year 4 teams scored 13 or higher. There was very little change between 2000 and 2004 for year 4 teams but a very modest increase for year 8 teams.
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