: Crunchie Survey
Trend task
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Approach: One to one Level: Year 4 and year 8 
access task
Focus: Form filling
Resources:Crunchie bar, recording book
Questions/instructions: Rona
Give one Crunchie bar and recording book to the student.

Cadbury’s make Crunchie bars. Imagine they want to find
out what kids think about them.

Eat your Crunchie bar then fill out the form to tell Cadbury’s
what you think about it.

[Click to enlarge survey.]

% responses
2006 ('02)

Clear appropriate response to request for:

100 (95)
99 (100)
100 (96)
100 (99)
name of apparent town
94 (89)
99 (97)
How often do you eat chocolate?
one response clearly indicated
100 (99)
100 (100)
How much do you like the Crunchie bar?
one response clearly indicated
100 (99)
100 (100)
Have you eaten a Crunchie bar before?
“yes” or “no” clearly indicated
100 (99)
100 (100)
name of apparent place
(or nearest shop)
86 (76)
83 (83)
Which Crunchie bar do you prefer?
one response clearly indicated
98 (97)
100 (98)
Why do you say that?
reason that relates to the choice
94 (88)
98 (98)

What I like about the Crunchie bar...

3 different reasons
54 (55)
59 (70)
2 different reasons
35 (27)
32 (25)
1 different reason
9 (13)
8 (5)
no reasons
2 (5)
1 (0)
Total score:
43 (43)
50 (55)
36 (25)
32 (34)
15 (16)
13 (8)
6 (16)
5 (3)
Subgroup Analysis:
Year 4

Year 8

High percentages of students scored well on this extremely popular task, with only minor differences between year 4 and year 8 students, and the different subgroups. Between 2002 and 2006 there was a slight improvement for year 4 students and little change for year 8 students.
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