: Punctuation
Trend task
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Approach: Station Level: year 8 
access task
Focus: Punctuation
Resources:Punctuation card


Imagine your friend has asked you to check this
piece of writing.

Help your friend by putting in the punctuation.
The first one is done for you.

[Click on image to enlarge.]

Punctuation card

% responses
2006 ('02)
Line 1: – “laughed”
full stop immediately after
32 (25)
– “that”
speech marks before
66 (66)
capital T
37 (29)
Line 2:
– immediately after “fun”
14 (22)
8 (5)
1 (3)
48 (43)
– “hone”
capital H
72 (74)
full stop immediately after
78 (83)
Line 3:
– “do”
speech marks before
72 (71)
capital D
85 (90)
– immediately after “again”
34 (33)
15 (19)
11 (9)
22 (18)
Line 4:

– “shilo”
capital S
71 (71)
full stop immediately after
65 (61)
Line 5:
– “no way”
speech marks before
73 (76)
capital N
81 (77)
13 (12)
3 (0)
9 (15)
– “Im”
apostrophe in-between I and m
32 (38)
– “hot”
14 (14)
5 (7)
2 (4)
50 (46)
– “hone”
capital H
66 (66)
full stop immediately after
49 (39)
Line 6: – “lets”
speech marks before
52 (47)
capital L
51 (49)
apostrophe before s
9 (9)
– “davids”
capital D
54 (61)
apostrophe before s
24 (22)
– immediately after “house”
30 (26)
10 (9)
39 (39)
12 (13)
Total score:
4 (3)
17 (18)
27 (24)
20 (30)
32 (25)
Subgroup Analysis:
Year 8

Many year 8 students did not handle the punctuation of spoken text correctly. Performance was similar in 2002 and 2006. Girls averaged higher than boys and Pakeha higher than Mäori and Pasifika students.
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