of the eleven art assessment tasks involved students in making art
works. The making tasks covered processes of observational pencil
drawing, creative expressive picture making using pastel and crayon
in one task and paint in another, collage picture construction, print
making and clay modelling. Students were required to demonstrate their
skills in using particular media and techniques to produce individual
expressive statements relevant to the contexts given in the tasks.
Each student worked independently on two of these tasks.
chapter presents the assessment results in the following order:
the four released tasks attempted by year 4 and 8 students: pencil
drawing, pastel and crayon drawing, painting, collage.
the two link tasks attempted by year 4 and 8 students: print making
and clay model.
information provided for each released task includes:
description of the task;
showing the distribution of marks given on the six point global
rating scale for students' art works;
showing the attributes and qualities that were used for marking
showing the mean (average) marks given for each attribute (4 point
scale) and for the mean global rating (6 point scale).
of students' work selected from the top, middle and lower ranges
on the marking scale.
The commentaries provided with each of the middle range exemplars
give short descriptions of the features, impressions and merits
observed in those works.
task descriptions are not provided for the two link tasks.
across all of the tasks, the mean score on the 6 point global scale
for year 4 students was 2.4 compared to 3.1 for year 8 students, which
indicates an overall development of skills in the four year period.
The largest gap in the mean global ratings occurred in the triceratops
pencil drawing where the difference between years 4 and 8 was 0.9.
The smallest gap occurred in the clay model task where the difference
was 0.3.