The five responding
tasks required students to examine, consider and discuss pictures of processes,
painting, sculptures and traditional Mäori and Pacific Island art forms. Four
of the five tasks were intended to investigate students' abilities to observe,
think, question, evaluate, explain and discuss art and art works in informed ways.
Three of these tasks were administered in one-to-one interviews, and one was done
as a team exercise.
All of the examples
used in the tasks were works by New Zealand artists or artifacts representative
of cultures which are an important part of New Zealand society.
A fifth responding
task had a distinctly different purpose: working as a team, students were required
to identify separate print making processes then sequence the steps within each
of those processes.
This chapter presents
the assessment results in the following order:
– Two Sculptures
– Art in Social Contexts
– Two Paintings (link
– Choosing a Picture
– Print Making Processes
The information provided
for each released task includes: