Interpretation of Graphs, Tables & Maps
 : Biscuit Eating
Approach: One to one
Resources: Flow chart and question summary

Questions / instructions:
Billy, Brent and Pip look at this chart to see if they can have a biscuit. They start at the box which says Start here. They read the question, then follow the yes or no arrow to find out what they can do. I want you to use the chart, and follow the arrows, to find out what Billy, Brent and Pip can do.

% responses

1a Billy has eaten 3 biscuits today. Can Billy have another biscuit?



1b Why do you say that?

Indicates following the chart


2a Brent is hungry. He has had 1 biscuit today. It is time to eat tea. Is he allowed a biscuit?



2b Why do you say that?

Indicates following the chart


3a Pip has not had any biscuits today. She is hungry but it is not time for lunch yet. What does the chart say Pip can do?

Eat 1


3b Why do you say that?

Indicates following the chart

Students got confused between "no" or "yes" on the flow chart and the answer they were giving. For instance, for Billy they had to follow the "yes" arrow, but then answer "no."

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