responses |
y8 |
Look at the graph showing access to the internet in New Zealanders’ homes. |
1. Which regions had the highest household internet access? | Auckland and Wellington |
89 |
Auckland or Wellington |
10 |
2. Which regions had the lowest household internet access? | Gisborne and West Coast |
93 |
Gisborne or West Coast |
7 |
3. What percent of households in Otago had access to the internet? | 35 (%) |
90 |
4. What changes to the graph might you see, if this question is asked again in 5 years’ time? |
changes across all regions |
23 |
changes in general or specific regions |
48 |
no changes |
29 |
score: |
7 |
20 |
6 |
42 |
5 |
26 |
4 |
7 |
0–3 |
4 |
Subgroup Analysis [Click on charts to enlarge] : |
Commentary: |
Most year 8 students extracted accurate information from this graph. Understanding of likely trends in internet usage was more mixed. Boys, girls and all three ethnic groups permormed similarly. |