Relationships  : A Really Good Friend  
Approach: One to one

Resources: None

A Really Good FriendQuestions / instructions:
I want you to think about friends, and I want you to think about what makes a person a really good friend for you.

1. Think about what kind of person makes a really good friend for you. See if you can tell me 5 things that make a person a really good friend and I will write them down on this sheet to help you remember the things you said.

Show student the recording sheet. As the student says each characteristic, write it down on the recording sheet (in abbreviated form, where appropriate) and read aloud. Where 2 or more ideas are given as one, suggest that they be written separately. After the student has finished identifying the characteristics:

2. Now I'll read the things you said, and if you want to change any of them you can tell me.

Make any changes offered by the student.

  % responses
positive personal qualities (funny, cool, reliable)
absence of negative factors (doesn't tell secrets, doesn't pressure you)
similarity of interests
provides direct support
The most common characteristic students associated with a good friend was their direct support and active sharing. Positive personal qualities were also often emphasised. About 40 percent of students referred to absence of negative qualities or behaviours. Surprisingly, similarity of interests was the least common factor students associated with friendship.

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