: Food, Glorious Food!
Trend task
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Approach: One to one Level: Year 4 and year 8 
Focus: Food
Resources: Picture montage


Show picture montage.

Here are some pictures of people enjoying eating food together.

Eating food is a very important part of our lives because it helps us to live and grow. But food is also important for other reasons.
food montage
[click on picture to enlarge.]

% responses
2006 ('02)
1. For what other reasons is eating food important, apart from living and growing?
Tell me as many reasons as you can think of.
personal enjoyment (of tastes, sights, smells involved in eating)
16 (17)
27 (33)
important time for being with family/friends
13 (15)
43 (22)
important time for talking/sharing information and ideas
5 (5)
20 (6)
often an opportunity to meet and share with new people
1 (2)
7 (1)
part of important regular rituals/patterns
13 (12)
24 (21)
part of occasional special celebrations
12 (13)
23 (20)
creative opportunity (preparation and presentation)
1 (0)
2 (2)
many people enjoy talking about food, recipes
1 (0)
2 (1)
Overall quality of ideas:
very good/excellent
0 (0)
1 (2)
2 (1)
14 (10)
moderately good
12 (9)
27 (12)
86 (90)
58 (76)
Total score:
3 (2)
23 (15)
7 (6)
16 (8)
13 (15)
14 (11)
18 (17)
17 (27)
59 (60)
30 (39)
Subgroup Analysis:
Year 4

Year 8

Most year 4 students showed little awareness of the non-nutritional values of food and eating, with substantially higher scores, on average, for year 8 students. There was improvement at year 8 level from 2002 to 2006.
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