: What Do You Think?
Trend task
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Approach: One to one Level: Year 4 and year 8 
Focus: Relationships
Resources: 3 pictures, recording book

In this activity I am going to show you some pictures of different types of bullying and read some problems that go with each picture.

Try to think about how the bullying could be stopped and who could help the people involved.
Here is the first picture and problem.

% responses
2006 ('02)

Show picture 1. Read problem 1 to the student.

Problem 1: Some people in Leah’s class call her names. They yell out “Scaredy Cat” and “Cry Baby” at her in the playground. They call Leah names because she is scared of heights and doesn’t like climbing the school’s playground equipment. The name calling really hurts Leah’s feelings but she doesn’t know what to do about it.

1. Tell me all the things that Leah could do to stop the bullying.

Problem 1
tell/get help from teacher
81 (87)
83 (73)
tell/get help from other adult, including parent
35 (33)
63 (39)
tell/get help from peers
16 (15)
25 (19)
explain to bullies how you feel and ask them to stop/negotiate
57 (42)
51 (47)
yell nasty comments back to bullies
4 (6)
5 (4)
physical aggression
1 (0)
0 (3)
36 (33)
34 (39)
avoid situation
20 (23)
28 (33)
Show picture 2. Read problem 2 to the student.
Problem 2: Ryan is always taking Joe’s things. Yesterday he grabbed Joe’s school bag and pushed Joe about. Joe’s arm is still hurting from Ryan grabbing his bag. Joe is really scared of Ryan and doesn’t know what to do about it.

2. Tell me all the things that Joe could do to stop the bullying.

Problem 2
tell/get help from teacher
66 (70)
78 (75)
tell/get help from other adult, including parent
45 (39)
64 (54)
tell/get help from peers
12 (9)
21 (12)
explain to bullies how you feel and ask them to stop/negotiate
57 (58)
57 (57)
yell nasty comments back to bullies
2 (3)
2 (0)
physical aggression
12 (9)
8 (10)
13 (14)
13 (14)
avoid situation
19 (20)
27 (22)
Show picture 3. Read problem 3 to the student.
Problem 3:
Rita is feeling terrible. Everyone else in her group is going to the movies after school, but they deliberately didn’t ask her. They keep giggling and whispering when they look at her. Rita doesn’t know what to do about it.

3. Tell me all the things that Rita could do about the others being mean to her.

Problem 3
tell/get help from teacher
52 (53)
39 (31)
tell/get help from other adult, including parent
34 (31)
31 (17)
tell/get help from peers
12 (14)
32 (29)
explain to bullies how you feel and ask them to stop/negotiate
54 (41)
52 (54)
yell nasty comments back to bullies
3 (6)
4 (2)
physical aggression
1 (2)
0 (0)
31 (37)
45 (42)
avoid situation
11 (10)
17 (22)
Think about children like Leah, Joe and Rita who get bullied.

4. Who do you think could help children like them?

school staff
97 (92)
94 (86)
84 (79)
90 (81)
30 (29)
32 (22)
other family members
27 (24)
26 (19)
families of bullies
5 (4)
6 (3)
67 (58)
77 (64)
outside professionals
10 (11)
46 (32)
Overall quality of how to stop bullying:
excellent/very good
2 (1)
10 (3)
21 (19)
34 (30)
53 (54)
46 (54)
24 (26)
10 (13)
Total score:
2 (1)
10 (3)
21 (19)
34 (30)
53 (54)
46 (54)
24 (26)
10 (13)
Subgroup Analysis:
Year 4

Year 8

Year 8 students adapted their responses more for the different situations described. About 20 percent more year 8 than year 4 students were judged to have good understanding of how to deal with bullying. Girls scored a little better than boys, with minor differences among the ethnic groups.
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