finding and using information from non-book resources
 : Pictures
Approach: One to one
Resources: Macintosh Powerbook 5300cs laptop computer; New Zealand Encyclopedia software; cue card for using encyclopedia; 2 word cards ('Bees', 'Crabs'); timer.

Questions / instructions:
Students first worked through a practice programme, MacMoves, which gave practice with pointing using the mouse, clicking, scrolling, and closing windows.
Start up the computer so that the 'Home page' is showing on the screen. Set the timer for 8 minutes. Do NOT start the timer yet.
In this activity you are going to use the New Zealand Encyclopedia on the computer. You are going to look for information about some animals.
Here is a cue card with hints about using the encyclopedia. [see MacMoves]
Hand student the encyclopedia cue card and read the yellow words in boxes 1 & 2.
Have student put on headphones.
Now click on the yellow "Encyclopedia" button and follow the instructions.

Wait (and help) while student works through introduction to scrolling, etc. Start timer.

  % responses

1. Using the topic button, can you find information on bees?
Hand student card with word "Bees".
Tell me when you've found information on bees.

Found bees: without help
with help

Always allow time for them to figure it out themselves.
Prompt if student doesn't:

• click on topic button:
   Click on the topics button.


• scroll to find topic:
   Type the word "bees".


• click on word "bees"
   Click on the word "bees".

did not find bees
2. How many pictures of bees did you find?
Correct number
3. Still using the topic list, can you find information on crabs?
Found crabs: without help
with help

Hand student card with word "Crabs". Always allow time for them to figure it out themselves.

Prompt if student doesn't go back to topics list:
Click the close box.
click on topics button:
Click on the topics button.
type in word or scroll to find topic:
Type the word "crabs".
click on word "crabs":
Click on the word "crabs".
did not find crabs
4. How many pictures of crabs did you find?
Correct number

About half of the year 4 students were able to use the hardware and software without help, after practice with the basic operations (pointing the mouse, clicking, scrolling, closing windows). Most of the remainder succeeded with limited teacher prompts. About 5 percent did not reach the second task (crabs) because of lack of understanding and/or the time limit.

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