:Dictionary Find
Trend Task
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Approach:Station Level: Year 8
Focus: Use of a dictionary.        
Resources:The New Zealand Oxford Primary School Dictionary.


Use the dictionary to answer all of the questions.

Write down the number of the page on which you found the answer.

% responses
2000 ('97)
1. Mere’s grandfather is a kaumatua.

What is a kaumatua?
Elderly man/Mäori elder
91 (95)
Page number:
238 or *239
86 (96)
2. Jo was being obtuse.

What does this mean?
slow to understand, stupid
86 (89)
Page number:
298 or *299
96 (97)
3. In the line below is “load” a noun, a verb or an adjective?

It is time to load the truck.
46 (50)
4. The spelling is not right for the word that is underlined.
What is the right spelling?

You can see many colours in the kilidiscope.
39 (39)

Page number:

238 or *239
42 (40)
(* different editions)

noun (kaumätua)
(say koh-mah-too-a)
an elderly man or woman

adjective (obtuser, obtusest)
slow to understand; stupid.
obtuse angle, an angle between 90 and 180 degrees.


noun (loads)
1 something to be carried.
2 the quantity that can be carried. 3 (informal) a large amount, It's a load of nonsense.

verb (loads, loading, loaded)
1 to put a load on something.
2 to put a weight into a thing, loaded dice. 3 to give someone large amounts of something, they loaded him with gifts. 4 to put a bullet or shell into a gun. 5 to put a film into a camera.

noun (kaleidoscopes)
(say käl-is-dös-kohp)
a tube that you look through to see brightly-coloured patterns which change as you turn the end of the tube.
kaleidoscopic adjective.a
Students were highly successful with questions 1 and 2, but struggled much more with question 3 which required interpretation of the information and question 4 which required a good guess as to the correct spelling. The lower percentage in 2001 for the page number in question 1 arose because the station for this task also had a Mäori dictionary for another task and some students used that instead of the intended dictionary. Student performance was very similar in 1997 and 2001.
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