noun (kaumätua)
(say koh-mah-too-a)
an elderly man or woman
adjective (obtuser,
slow to understand; stupid.
obtuse angle, an angle between 90 and 180 degrees.

noun (loads)
1 something to be carried.
2 the quantity that can be carried. 3 (informal) a large
amount, It's a load of nonsense.
verb (loads, loading, loaded)
1 to put a load on something.
2 to put a weight into a thing, loaded dice. 3 to give
someone large amounts of something, they loaded him with
gifts. 4 to put a bullet or shell into a gun. 5 to put a
film into a camera.
noun (kaleidoscopes)
(say käl-is-dös-kohp)
a tube that you look through to see brightly-coloured patterns
which change as you turn the end of the tube.
kaleidoscopic adjective.a |