Book Look (Y4)
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Approach:  One to one
Level: Year 4
Focus: Knowing about features in a non-fiction book  
Book: Recycling Rubbish, recording book

Hand the book to the student.
Here’s a book called Recycling Rubbish.
[Quinn, P. (2000). Recycling Rubbish. Skyrider. Wellington, N.Z.: Learning Media.]

Take a little time to have a look at the different parts of this book.
Allow time.

% responses
2009 ('05)
1. Show me where you would look if you wanted to find a list of the topics covered in the book.
contents page (page 2)
58 (66)
2. Show me where you would look if you wanted to find an explanation of some of the special words used in the book.
glossary (page 30-31)
40 (37)
3. Show me where you would look if you wanted to find the page number for information about oil.
26 (29)
“The Oily Hair Solution” chapter (pages 27–28)
10 (7)
4. The author of this book is Pat Quinn. Show me where you would look if you wanted to find out about her.
inside back cover
75 (83)
5. Show me where you would look if you wanted to find out whether the book is up to date, or quite old.
inside front cover
63 (69)

Total score:
12 (15)
12 (12)
14 (11)
39 (42)
24 (20)
Subgroup Analysis [Click on charts to enlarge] :
Year 4

Most year 4 children did not have a strong grasp of where to find information in a non-fiction book. Only about one quarter were able to locate all or almost all basic information. There was little change from 2005 on this task. Gender differences were small.