: Call for Help
Trend task
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Approach: One to one
Level: Year 8
Focus: Recalling and sequencing instructions
Resources: Video recording on laptop computer


This activity uses the computer.

We will start this activity by watching a video. The video shows some people who were on a bush walk. One of the girls, Leanne, has fallen and hurt her ankle. Mac rings his mother on the cellphone to find out what to do. Mac’s mother gives him some instructions.

Listen carefully to the instructions when you hear them on the video so that you can tell them to me later. You will need to tell them to me in the right order. You can watch the video now.

Click the Call for Help button.

Mum gave Mac a lot of instructions.
I want you to tell me the instructions in the order that they were given.

call for help

Video voiceover:
Hi, Mum, its Mac here. We’re still in the bush, about half an hour’s walk down the track. Leanne has fallen over. She’s hurt her leg and can’t walk out. There are no broken bones but her ankle is very swollen. What can we do?

Mum: Well done for not panicking. Try not to worry - we’ll get some help there as soon as possible. I’ll get Search and Rescue to meet you at the beginning of the track. Listen carefully to these instructions.
First you need to make sure Leanne is warm and comfortable so give her the silver blanket. Get her to lie down and rest her foot. She needs to get as much rest as possible. Wet a spare T-shirt in the river and put it on her ankle. Keeping the ankle cold should help the swelling go down.
Tie a jacket to a tree where you are waiting - that makes it easier to find you. Choose someone to stay with Leanne. The other two need to walk to the start of the track to help direct the rescue people to the right place. When you get to the start of the track, wait for the Search and Rescue team to arrive.
You all need to be very careful now. I’ll tell you what to do again.
First, give Leanne the silver blanket. Then make sure she is resting. Put a wet T-shirt on her ankle and then tie a jacket to a tree. Next choose someone to stay with Leanne and then the other two walk to the start of the track. Lastly, wait for the Search and Rescue van.
Did you get all that, son? Someone will be with you in half an hour.
Mac: Yes, got it Mum. Don’t worry about us - we’ll be fine. See you soon. Bye.

% responses
2006 ('02)
Instructions mentioned:
silver blanket (so she’s warm and comfortable)
86 (86)
lie down and rest her foot
59 (60)
wet t-shirt on her ankle (to keep cold, reduce swelling)
93 (94)
tie jacket to tree (to make place easier to find)
93 (88)
someone stay with Leanne
92 (93)
others walk to start of track
94 (85)
wait for Search and Rescue
89 (84)
included appropriate reasons for 2 or more steps
58 (50)
included appropriate reasons for 1 step
28 (31)
did not include appropriate reasons
15 (19)
all responses in correct order
82 (73)
Total score:
55 (40)
32 (43)
12 (14)
2 (3)
Subgroup Analysis:
Year 8

Students performed quite well on this task that was administered to year 8 only. There were no gender differences, but Pakeha students scored higher than Mäori and Pasifika students. There was a moderate gain in performance from 2002 to 2006.
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