: Maui and the Sun
Trend task
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Approach: One to one Level: Year 4 and year 8 
Focus: Analysing symbolic visual representations
Resources: 2 pictures

Pictures in books can help us to understand the stories being told.

Show the 2 pictures. [Click on pictures to enlarge.]
Here are two pictures from the same story that tell of how Mäui caught the sun to make it go slower. The pictures have been drawn by different people. They each show the sun in a different way.

I want you to look at the way the sun has been shown in each picture. Try to decide what each picture is telling us about the sun. Then I want you to tell me how the way the sun is drawn could change how the story might be told.


% responses
2006 ('02)
1. What are the important differences between each of the suns?
prompt: What is different about how the sun is shown in these two pictures?
Picture 1:
doesn’t look like a real sun/animated/cartoon-like
15 (16)
23 (28)
shows sun is a person/has a face
50 (61)
45 (58)
sun looks unhappy/sad/miserable
4 (10)
10 (19)
sun looks tired/exhausted
2 (4)
5 (7)
sun uses Mäori patterns (any reference to design)
61 (67)
51 (55)
sun looks relatively easy to capture/not many pulling it down
10 (9)
15 (19)
sun looks small/far away
26 (36)
24 (32)
Picture 2:
sun looks large, close up
40 (50)
43 (45)
sun looks very hot and fiery
37 (43)
44 (49)
looks like a real sun (not has no face)
36 (28)
41 (49)
sun looks difficult to capture
9 (9)
16 (22)
sun looks powerful/fierce/dangerous/furious/aggressive
3 (5)
12 (20)
2. Now try to explain to me how the way the sun is drawn could change how the story might be told.
not marked
Total score:
0 (0)
1 (2)
4 (9)
7 (17)
27 (37)
32 (39)
56 (44)
50 (37)
13 (10)
10 (5)
Subgroup Analysis:
Year 4

Year 8

This task explored how students interpret the impact of symbolic representations. As with four years ago, this proved to be a challenging task. The students in both year 4 and year 8 in 2006 performed somewhat less well than did the students in 2002. There were no gender differences. There were minor differences among the Pakeha, Mäori and Pasifika students.
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maui picture 1 maui picture 2