Questions / instructions:
When Toni does something good
or kind, Toni's mother puts a tick on a chart.
On Friday Toni's mother
counts the ticks.
For every 10 ticks, Toni
can choose a treat.
Kia pai
te mahi, te atawhai ränei a Toni, ka tuhia e töna mämä he
tohu tika ki runga i tëtahi mahere.
te Rämere, ka tätai töna mämä i ngä tohu tika.
ia huinga tekau, ka whiwhi a Toni i täna e hiahia ana. |
Ngä tohu
tika a Toni mö ia wiki Toni's weekly ticks |
Te tätahi
tohu tika
Number of ticks |
Ngä wiki
- Week |