4. Now let's do the experiment.
I am going to pour boiling
water into the mug, and I want you to test each rod.
When you test the rods,
touch them like this:
Demonstrate how the rods
should be touched before the boiling
water is added. Demonstrate use of timer.
I will get you to check
them every 30 seconds, for two minutes.
With the rods already
in the mug, pour boiling water into the mug, and get ready to time the 30 sec
Repeat the following
instruction 4 times (every 30 seconds).
5. Feel each rod now, and
tell me what you notice.
After 2 minutes of feel
4. Me whakamtautau
E ringihia ana e
au he wai wera ki roto i te maka, ä, mäu e ärohi ia matire.
Ka ärohi koe
i ngä matire, me pënei te pä.
I mua
i te ringihanga ki te wai wera, whakaaturia me pëhea te pä atu ki ngä
matire. Whakaaturia te whakamahinga o te mata wäti.
Mö te 2 meneti,
me ärohi e koe ia 30 hëkena.
Kua kuhua nei
ngä matire ki roto i te maka, ringihia ki te wai wera, ka whakarite ai i
ngä wä e toru tekau hëkena.
Hokia anö
ngä tohutohu e whai ake nei mö ngä wä e 4 (ia 30 hëkena).
Whäwhätia ia matire inäianei, ä, ka kï mai he aha täu
i rongo ai.
Ka taha te 2 meneti
o ngä ärohi whäwhä: