/ instructions:
Place chime bars F and G and beater in front of student.
When you hit chime bars they make a sound. These two chime bars
make different sounds. Play them now so that you can hear the
sounds they make.
Ka patupatu papa pere koe, ka rongohia he
He rerekë ngä oro o ënei
papa pere [chime]. Pätötötia inäianei
kia rongo ai koe i ngä oro.
After student
has played each chime bar, place glass tumbler and jug of water
in front of student.
When you tip water into a glass and hit the side of the glass,
it makes a sound. You can change the sound by changing the amount
of water in the glass.
Ki te täringi wai koe ki roto i te
ipu wai, ka pätötö [tap] i te taha, ka rongo
koe i te oro. Ka taea tö whakarerekë i te oro mä
te whakaiti, te whakarahi ake ränei i te wai o roto i te
remove the F chime bar from the student.
In this activity you are going to tip water into the glass to
make a sound. First, try to make the same sound as you hear when
you play the G chime bar. When you are putting water into the
glass you will need to keep checking the sound by hitting the
side of the glass AND the chime bar. If you think there is too
much water in the glass you can tip some back into the jug. When
you think they are both making the same sound, tell me.
Mö tënei mahi ka täringi
wai koe ki roto i te ipu wai hei whakatangi oro. I te tuatahi,
me whakamätau ki te whakaörite i te oro ka rongohia
e koe, inä, pätötötia te papa pere G. I a
koe e täringi wai ana ki roto i te ipu wai, me whakarite
haere tonu i te oro mai i te ipu wai ME te papa pere. Mehemea
he nui rawa te wai o te ipu wai, me täringi tëtahi wähi
ki roto i te tiaka. Körero mai, inä, örite aua