/ instructions:
responses |
GEd |
MI |
Sarah wants to know what time the swimming pool opens. How could she find that out? Prompt: Can you think of any other ways she could find out when the pool opens? Kei te hiahia a Sarah ki te möhio he aha te wä e püare ai te wähi kaukau. Me pëhea ia e möhio ai? He äwhina: Kei a koe anö ëtahi atu whakaaro mä te aha ia e möhio ai i te wä püare o te wähi kaukau? |
or more ways, all workable |
92 | 29 | ||||||||
workable way |
6 | 65 | |||||||||
A little lost dog has turned up at Manu’s house. How can Manu try to find out who its owner is? Prompt: Can you think of any other ways of finding out the dog’s owner? I tatü tëtahi kurï ngaro ki te käinga o Manu. Me pëhea a Manu e möhio ai nä wai te kurï nei? He äwhina: Kei a koe anö ëtahi atu whakaaro mä te aha ia e möhio ai i te wä püare o te wähi kaukau? |
or more ways, all workable |
82 | 37 | ||||||||
workable way |
14 | 52 | |||||||||
It is a cold and windy day at Pene’s school. Pene wants to know
if she is expected to eat her lunch inside or outside. |
or more ways, all workable |
53 | 3 | ||||||||
workable way |
40 | 59 | |||||||||
Peter wants to find out the name of the school his great-grandmother went
to. How could he find out? Prompt: Can you think of any other ways of finding out the name of the school Peter’s grandmother went to? Kei te hiahia a Pita ki te möhio ki te ingoa o te kura i haere ai töna tipuna kuia. Me pëhea ia e möhio ai? He äwhina: Kei a koe anö ëtahi atu whakaaro mä te aha ia e möhio ai ki te ingoa o te kura o töna tipuna kuia? |
or more ways, all workable |
47 | 21 | ||||||||
workable way |
47 | 76 | |||||||||
Two people are on holiday in Wellington. They are going to meet
their friend at the railway station, but they are not sure how to find
it. How can they find out where the railway station is? Prompt: Can you think of any other ways that they could find out where the railway station is? E rua ngä tängata kei te hararei i Poneke. Kei te haere räua ki te tütaki i tö räua hoa i te türanga tereina [railway station], engari käore räua i te tino märama kei hea te wähi nei. Me pëhea räua e tino möhio ai kei hea te türanga tereina? He äwhina: Kei a koe anö ëtahi atu whakaaro me pëhea räua e möhio ai kei hea te türanga tereina? |
or more ways, all workable |
87 | 46 | ||||||||
workable way |
11 | 51 | |||||||||
Some children see some delicious looking berries on a bush. How can they find out if they are safe to eat? Prompt: Can you think of any other ways they could find out if the berries are safe to eat? Ka kite ëtahi tamariki i ëtahi hua tino reka te ähua, e tipu ana i tëtahi räkau iti. Me pëhea rätou e möhio ai mehemea he pai anö ki te kai? He äwhina: Kei a koe anö ëtahi atu whakaaro me pëhea rätou e möhio ai mehemea he pai te kai i ngä hua nei? |
or more ways, all workable |
34 | 23 | ||||||||
workable way |
36 | 63 | |||||||||
score: |
27 | 0 | ||||||||
44 | 15 | |||||||||
22 | 37 | |||||||||
7 | 30 | |||||||||
0 | 9 | |||||||||
Commentary: |
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