:Tï Räkau – Tï Räkau
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Approach:  Team  
Focus: Accurate rhythmic movement. 
Resources: Video recording on laptop computer (music: E Papa),
                     4 sets of räkau, 4 bibs.
   [contact NEMP for copies of video]



This activity uses the computer.
Click the Tï Räkau button.

Important: Whenever giving instructions or viewing video, have the students put their sticks aside. Students wear bibs numbered 1–4.

In this activity you will be working in pairs with the räkau or sticks.
I want [A1 - name] and [A2 - name] to work together, and [A3 - name] and [A4 - name] to work together.

We’re going to watch a video which shows a group of children doing what I’ll be asking you to try. The children in the video will be doing the moves listed on this card.

He mahi rorohiko tënei.
Päwhiria te pätene Tï Räkau.

Kia Mataara: I te wä whakahau, mätakitaki rïpene ataata ränei, kï atu ki ngä äkonga kia waiho ngä räkau. Ka mauria pari tünga 1 – 4 e ngä akonga.

Ka mahi takirua koutou me ngä räkau.
Me mahi ngätahi a [B1 ingoa], me [B2 ingoa], me mahi ngätahi anö a [B3 ingoa], me [B4 ingoa].

Ka mätaki tätou tëtahi rïpene o ëtahi tamariki e mahi ana i ëtahi mahi hei whäinga mä koutou. Kei te whai ënei tamariki i ngä mahi kua whakarärangihia ki tënei käri.
Now let’s watch the demonstration on video. Watch very carefully because you will be trying to do the same movements in your pairs.

Click the Play button to show Part 1 of the video. Then show prompt card, and read out the moves.
[Part 1 shows video of children as below with music soundtrack]

Nä, me mätaki koutou i ngä whakaaturanga mai i te ataata nä te mea, ka whakamätau anö körua i aua mahi.

Whakaaturia te rïpene ataata – Wähanga I. Whakaaturia te käri tautoko, ä, pänui-ä-wahatia ngä tauira.
[Part 1 shows video of children as below with music soundtrack]
Now I want you to practise doing those movements in pairs for two minutes.You can use this card to remind you of the movements. It’s important to practise doing the same things together in your pairs, and not too quickly.

Give students 2 sticks each.Allow 2 minutes for practice, then get students’ undivided attention.

Now I want you to try doing your movements to music. But first we’ll listen to the music before you try doing it with music. Put your sticks down while you listen.

Click the Play button to show Part 2 of the video. [Part 2 shows written cues only, as on cue card, with voice over reading cues accompanied by music soundtrack]

Now I want you to try doing the movements to music.
Get ready, then I’ll start the music.

Click the Play button to show Part 3 of the video. [Part 3 same as Part 2]
Nä, whakamätauria e körua ënei nekeneke räkau mö te rua meneti. Whakamahia tënei käri kia mahara ai korua ki ngä nekeneke. He mea tino tika kia whakamätauria ngä nekeneke örite e ia takirua, engari kia äta haere.

Höatu kia rua ngä räkau ki ia tamaiti. Waiho ngä meneti e rua hei whakamätau. Ka oti, me areare ngä taringa.

Nä, i näianei me whakamahi ngä nekeneke räkau me te puoro. Engari, me whakarongo ki te puoro i te tuatahi, kätahi ka mahi. Waiho ngä räkau ki raro, i a koutou e whakarongo ana.

Tïmataria te rïpene ataata – Wähanga 2.
[Part 2 shows written cues only, as on cue card, with voice over reading cues accompanied by music oundtrack]

Nä, whakamahia ngä nekeneke räkau me te puoro. Kia rite, kätahi ka tïmataria e au te puoro. Waiho a koutou räkau, me whakarongo koutou.

Tïmataria te rïpene ataata – Wähanga 3.

[Part 3 same as Part 2]

% responses
Global rating of individual performance of set task, with music:

very high
quite high

To finish off, I would like you and your partner to work together to make up your own performance using the sticks. You can make your performance as different and as interesting as you can, but it should keep to a steady beat. You can have 2 minutes to practise, then I’ll ask each pair to show what you can do.

Hei whakamutunga, me mahi tahi körua ko tö hoa, ki te whakarite i tä körua ake whakaaturanga, mä ngä räkau. He pai tonu menä ka tino rerekë, ka tino mïharo hoki tä körua whakaaturanga, engari me whai te taki [beat].
E rua ngä meneti whakamätau mä körua, kätahi ka whakaatu i ngä mahi nekeneke räkau ka taea e körua.

Global rating of performance as pair to own plan:
(consider number of things tried, difficulty level, and performance level)
very high

quite high



The results achieved by Mäori students in general education (GEd) settings and students in Mäori immersion (MI) settings were not statistically significantly different. The paired work was not marked because it was rare to find two Mäori students paired in general education settings.
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