mahi rorohiko tënei.
Horahia te pouaka taputapu whakatangitangi, ngä whio whakangahau e whä,
me ngä poihau e whä.
Ka mätakitaki tätou i tëtahi hako me äna mahi whakaari ki
te rïpene ataata. Karekau he püoru, he whakatangitangi ränei o
te rïpene. Mä te röpü e hanga mai he püoru whakatangitangi
e tika ana hei kïnaki i ngä nekeneke a te hako. Kei roto i te pouaka
nei ëtahi taputapu whakatangitangi hei whakamahi mä koutou.
Whakaaturia ngä taputapu whakatangitangi engari kaua
e hoatu ki ngä äkonga.
Kia mätakitaki tätou i te rïpene ataata. I te wä e mätaki
ana, äta titiro ki ngä nekehanga a te hako, ä, ka äta whakaaro
hoki ki ngä momo whakatangitangi püoru e hängai ana.
Whakaaturia te käri raupapa, ka pänui ai.
Kei runga i tënei käri te raupapatanga o ngä nekehanga a te hako
hei äwhina i a koutou.
Päwhiria te pütohu Hako ka mätakitaki
ai i te ataata.
E toru ngä whakaaturanga o te rïpene ataata. Me mahi ngätahi koutou
ki te hanga püoru whakatangitangi mö te rïpene ataata kia hängai
tonu ki ngä nekeneke a te hako. Me whakaaro i ngä püoru whakatangitangi
e hängai ana ki ia wähanga o te ataata. Mutu ana te whakaaturanga tuatoru
o te ataata, me oti anö hoki tä koutou whakarite i ngä whakatangitangi
a ia tangata o te röpü.
Hoatu ngä whakatangitangi.
Whakamahia te pütohu Whakatä/Tïmata.
Kia toru ngä wä mätaktitaki i te rïpene ataata.
I te wä e mätakitaki ana te röpü i te ataata, me noho koe
ki te whakahau i a rätou ki te mahi ngätahi.
Nä, körero mai mö ä koutou püoru whakatangitangi, me
hängai ki ngä nekeneke a te hako. Whakamäramatia mai he aha i
pai ai tä koutou püoru whakatangitangi mö te rïpene ataata.
Tukuna he wä körero mä te röpü. Whakahautia te katoa
o te röpü ki te whakaputa whakaaro.
Kei te hiahia koutou ki te whakarerekë i ëtahi wähanga o te püoru
whakatangitangi i mua o tä koutou whakaaturanga mai?
Mehemea ka ‘äe’ mai, me waiho mö tëtahi
wä poto.
Mehemea ka ‘kao’ mai, me haere tonu.
Nä, whakaaturia mai tä koutou püoru whakatangitangi mö te
Päwhiria anötia te pütohu Whakatä/Tïmata. |
This activity uses the computer.
Put out the box of instruments, balloons and whistles.
In this activity we are going to watch a video of a clown performing.
The video doesn’t have any music. Your team is to make up
some music that will sound good because it suits the movements
the clown is making. In this box are some instruments you can use
for making the music.
Show instruments but do not give them to the students yet.
Let’s watch the video now. While it’s on, look at all
the different movements the clown makes and think about the musical
sounds that might suit the movements.
Show and read through sequence card.
This card
shows the sequence of movements in the video. You might find
it useful.
Click the Clown button to start the video.
Now I’m going to play the video three times. You need
to work together to make up some music which goes with the
video because it suits the movements the clown is making. You
need to work out what music you will make for each section
of the video. By the end of the time you need to have planned
exactly what each person is going to play during the video.
Give out instruments. Use the Pause/Play button to play the video three times.
During this time, stay with the group, encouraging them to work together.
Now talk about your music, and how you have made it fit the movements
the clown is making. Tell me why your music goes with the video.
Allow time for answers. Encourage all team members
to speak.
Are there any changes you would like to make before you perform
your clown music for me?
If “yes”, allow a short time. If “no”,
carry on.
Now I would like you to perform your clown music for the
last time.
Click the Pause/Play button again. |