mahi rorohiko tënei.
I roto i tënei mahi, ka rongo koe i tëtahi üngeri mämä.
Ko täu mahi, he waihanga i te tauira manawataki kia haere tahi me te üngeri.
Kei te rïpene ataata ngä tohutohu.
Hoatu te poro räkau me te pao ki te äkonga.
Mätakihia te ataata inäianei.
Päwhiria te pütohu Tauira Manawataki.
Me äta noho te äkonga, kia pai ai te kitea mai o ngä ringaringa
i te kämera.
activity uses the computer.
In this activity you are going to hear a simple beat and make up some patterns
to go with it. The video will tell you what to do.
Give student woodblock and beater.
Let’s watch the video now.
Click the Rhythmic Patterns button to start the video.
Ensure student sits with hands visible to camera.
listens first to a very simple, strong beat. He then accompanies
the beat – the first time, demonstrating a very simple
pattern and the second, a more complex pattern.
Student is then given two opportunities to listen to and accompany
the beat themselves – the
first, to make up and practise different patterns and the second, to play their
best rhythmic pattern.] |