mahi rorohiko tënei.
Ka mahi tahi koutou ki te whakatangi mai i ngä momo tangi o tëtahi äwhä.
Ka mätakitaki tätou i te rïpene ataata i te tuatahi. Karekau he
tangi o te rïpene ataata.
I a koutou e mätaki mai ana, äta whakaaro ki ngä momo tangi
e rangona ai i tëtahi äwhä. Ka mutu te ataata, mä koutou
e hanga ngä tangi o te äwhä.
Päwhiria te pütohu Äwhä, ka tïmata
ai te rïpene ataata.
1. He aha ëtahi o ngä tangi ka rangona i te wä o tëtahi äwhä?
Inäianei, ka mahi tahi koutou ki te hanga i ngä tangi o te äwhä. Äta
whakaaro ki ngä momo tangi rerekë e tika ana mö te äwhä.
I te tïmatanga e pai tonu ana te rangi, kätahi ka piki haere te äwhä,
ka haere mö tëtahi wä, kätahi ka heke kia marino anö
ai te rangi.
Whakamahia ö koutou reo me ö koutou tinana, kia ihiihi tonu ngä momo
tangi rerekë. E rima meneti pea hei whakawhitiwhiti whakaaro, hei hanga
i ngä tangi o te äwhä, kätahi ka whakaaturia mai ki ahau.
Kia maumahara, i te tïmatanga he pai tonu te rangi, kätahi ka piki
haere te äwhä, ka haere mö tëtahi wä, kätahi ka
heke kia marino anö ai te rangi. Whakawhitiwhiti körero mö ngä momo
tangi rerekë, mä wai aua tangi, me te wä e tika ana mö aua
tangi. He pai kia tohua ko tëtahi o koutou hei whakahaere i te röpü.
Tukuna he wä mahi.
Nä, whakaaturia mai ngä tangi, mai i te tïmatanga o te äwhä
ki te mutunga. |
activity uses the computer.
Your team is going to work together to make the sounds of a storm. We’ll
begin this activity by watching a video showing a storm. This video doesn’t
have any sound.
As you watch, think about the sounds you might hear during a storm, because after
the video your team is going to make up the sounds of a storm.
Click the Storm button. The video will start. The video has
no sound.
1. What are some sounds you might hear during a storm?
Now it’s time for your team to work together to make up the sounds of a
storm. Try to make them interesting by having different sounds that tell the
story of the storm.
At the beginning there is no storm, then it gradually builds up into a storm.
The storm keeps going for a while, then it gradually dies down until the storm
is over.
Use your voices and bodies in all kinds of interesting and different ways to
make up lots of sounds. You have a few minutes to talk about and practise your
storm, then I will ask you to perform it for me. Remember, at the beginning there
is no storm, then it gradually builds up into a storm. The storm keeps going
for a while, then it gradually dies down until the storm is over. Talk about
who will make the different sounds and when they will make them. You might like
to have one person in your team act as the conductor.
Allow time.
Now it is time to perform your storm from the beginning
to the end. |