te pürongo i tuhia ki te nüpepa mö ngä körero
a Ahorangi Smart ki ngä mätua.
A. Pänuitia te pürongo a te nüpepa.
E. Anei ngä reta nä ëtahi tängata i tuhi ki te ëtita
o te nüpepa, e pä ana ki ngä körero a Ahorangi Smart. Pänuitia
ngä reta, ka whakautu ai i ngä pätai. |
newspaper reported what Professor Smart said to parents (above).
A. Read what the newspaper reported (above).
B. Some people have written letters to the editor of the newspaper about what
Professor Smart said. Read the letters (left) then answer the questions. |
nui ake ngä mahi ä-kura me iti
iho ngä häkinakina, te kï a tëtahi ahorangi.
“He nui rawa te wä e whakapaungia ana e ngä kura
me ä rätou äkonga ki ngä mahi häkinakina.
Käore e rahi rawa te wä ki ngä mahi mätauranga
tötika”. Koirä te kï a Ahorangi Smart.
I tëtahi hui ä-kura, i körero te ahorangi
ki ngä mätua, kia kaua e moumou te wä kura
ki te häkinakina. Engari, e tika ana me nui kë atu
te wä e whakapaungia ana ki ngä kaupapa tötika,
përä i te pängarau, te reo, me te pütaiao,
kia eke tö tätou whenua i ngä taumata o te
mätauranga, kia whiwhi mahi hoki ngä äkonga.
Näna anö te körero, kia waihotia ngä häkinakina
mö ngä rä mutunga wiki, ä, mä ngä karapu/röpü häkinakina
e whakahaere, kaua mä te kura. |
school work, less sport says professor Schools and their students are spending too much time on sport and not enough
on real learning, says Professor Smart.
The professor told parents at a school meeting that sport should not waste school
time. Instead, there should be more time spent on real subjects of maths, English
and science so that we are a smart country, and students will get jobs. He said
students should do their sports in the weekends with sports clubs. |
Reta 1 |
Tënä koe
e te Ëtita.
Ahakoa taku tautoko i te körero a Ahorangi Smart kia eke tö tätou
whenua i te taumata o te mätauranga, käore au i te whakapono ko te
whakakore i te häkinakina i te kura te whakautu. E tika ana, kia whai wähi
atu ngä äkonga ki ngä kaupapa katoa i te kura, ä, ko te häkinakina
tëtahi. Mä te häkinakina e möhio ai te äkonga ki te
mahi ngätahi, e tipu anö hoki te kaha kia ü tonu ia ki tana mahi.
Äe, he tino tikanga tö te pängarau, tö te reo, me te pütaiao,
engari he përä hoki te häkinakina, te toi ataata, te toi püoru,
te tikanga ä-iwi me te hangarau.
Näku, nä John Smith |
Although I agree with Professor Smart that we need to be a smart country, I do
not think that no sport at school is the answer.
Schools should give students experience in all things including sport. Sport
teaches team work and self-discipline.
Yes, maths, English and science are important but so are sport, art, music, social
studies and technology.
John Smith |
2 |
Tënä koe
e te Ëtita,
E kï ana a Ahorangi Smart he moumou wä noa iho te mahi häkinakina
i te kura. Engari he tino toa te whenua o Aotearoa ki ngä mahi häkinakina, ä,
e tika ana kia mau tonu.
Näku, nä May Jones |
Professor Smart says that students are wasting their time at school when they
do sport. New Zealand is good at sport, and we need to keep this up.
May Jones |
3 |
Tënä koe
e te Ëtita,
Ki öku whakaaro kei te tika a Ahorangi Smart. E rua häora ia wiki e
mahi häkinakina ana taku tamaiti i te kura, engari käore i te tino
pai ana mäka mö te pängarau. Pai kë atu ki a au mënä he
nui kë atu täna mahi pängarau, mä tënä e whiwhi
mahi ai ia.
Nä Susan Peters |
I think Professor Smart is right. My child does two hours of sport at school
each week, but is getting low marks in maths. I’d much rather she did more
maths because this would help her to get a job.
Susan Peters |
4 |
Tënä koe
e te Ëtita,
He whakaaro tö tënä tangata, tö tënä, mö ngä kaupapa
ako o te kura me ngä kaupapa e tika ana kia kaua e whakaakona. Ko te kï a
Ahorangi Smart, me whakakore te häkinakina, me whakaako ngä ‘kaupapa
tötika’ anake. Ko ëtahi kura kei te whakahaere i ngä häkinakina
i ngä rä mutunga wiki, inäia tonu nei.
Nä Hine Miller |
There are heaps of opinions about what students should and should not be doing
at school. Professor Smart says sport should be dropped in favour of ‘real
subjects’. Some schools already do sport in weekends.
Hine Miller |