Approach: Station |
304Kb |
Identifying central
ideas |
Resources: |
book, highlighter pen |
Kupu: |
hiwi/puke = hill
whiu = round up/muster |
te körero mö te hipi nei ko Shrek töna ingoa.
1. Whakamahia te pene miramira hei miramira i tëtahi rerenga körero
kotahi kei ia köwae. Ko taua rerenga, ko te körero matua mö tëtahi ähuatanga
mïharo mö Shrek. |
at the story about Shrek, the sheep.
1. Use the highlighter pen to mark one sentence in each paragraph that tells
something interesting about Shrek. |
Inä te rahi o te würu o Shrek
He rongonui ngä körero mö te hipi nei, mö Shrek. He tino
hiahia nö ngä kaituku pürongo o te nüpepa me te pouaka whakaata
ki te whakaatu i nga körero möna. He pätata ki te ono tau, käore
i kutia ngä würu o Shrek, ä, kua eke ki te 27kg te taumaha o öna
würu. He tino roa te ono tau mö te tipu o ngä würu o tëtahi
hipi. E tika ana kia kutia ngä würu i ia tau.
He aha hoki te take käore i kutia öna würu mö te ono tau.
I te noho ia i töna kotahi i tëtahi ana i muri rä anö i ëtahi
hiwi, ä, käore i kitea e te kaipämu. Ia tau ka whiua e te kaipämu
me äna kurï ngä hipi e noho ana i ngä hiwi. Nä te maha
o ngä hipi käore e möhiotia mënä e ngaro ana tëtahi.
I tënei tau, he përä anö te whiu i ngä hipi e noho ana
i ngä hiwi. I tuawhenua rä anö ngä kaimahi me ä rätou
kuri e whiu ana i ngä hipi. He wahine ëtahi o ngä kaimahi, he
täne ëtahi. Nä tëtahi o ngä kaimahi wahine a Shrek i
kite, ko Ann Scanlon töna ingoa. E ai ki a Ann he tino pai ki a ia äna
I tipu mai a Ann i tëtahi pämu, ä, kua 25 tau inäianei e
mahi hipi ana. E hia kë nei ngä hipi kua mahia e ia i roto i taua wä, ä,
he örite te ähua o ngä hipi katoa. Engari he tino rerekë te ähua
o tëtahi hipi mënä kua ono tau e tipu ana öna würu.
He rerekë te ähua o Shrek, he küwao hoki.
Nä John Perriman te pämu e noho nei ngä hipi, ko Tarras te ingoa
o te pämu. Inäianei, he tokomaha ngä tängata e hiahia ana
ki te haere mai ki tana pämu, nö täwähi hoki ëtahi.
He pai hoki ki a John kia tirotirohia a Shrek e te tokomaha tängata. Ko
te moni ka hua mai i te kutinga o ngä würu o Shrek ka tukuna hei äwhina
i ngä tamariki e tino mäuiui ana. |
The Very Woolly Sheep
The story of Shrek the sheep is known by lots of people. Shrek is such an interesting
animal. Newspaper and television reporters were keen to tell the story about
him. Shrek hadn’t been shorn for about 6 years, and his wool weighed about
27 kg. Six years is a long time for any sheep to be growing its wool. Most sheep
get shorn every year.
You might wonder why Shrek hadn’t been shorn every year like the other
sheep. He lived alone in a cave high in the hills where he wasn’t seen.
Each year dogs and people muster the sheep and bring them down from the hills.
Because there are so many sheep, if one sheep is missing it wouldn’t be
This year the sheep were mustered like every other year. The dogs and musterers
were rounding up the sheep in the high country. Not all of the musterers were
men. Some were women. It was a woman musterer called Ann Scanlan who found Shrek.
Ann said that finding Shrek was one of the nicest things to happen to her.
Ann Scanlan grew up on a farm and has been mustering sheep for about 25 years.
In that time she had seen lots of sheep that looked much the same. To see one
that hadn’t been shorn for six years was very unusual. Ann said that Shrek
was a very strange looking wild sheep.
The sheep live on John Perriman’s farm in a place called Tarras. He never
had so many people interested in his sheep before. And now there were people
from all over the world who wanted to visit John’s farm. John was happy
for people to see Shrek. The money from Shrek’s wool would be used to help
sick children. |
responses |
highlighted –
Paragraph 1:
Third sentence (or part of it)
and nothing else: |
pätata ki te ono tau, käore i kutia ngä würu o
Shrek, ä, kua eke ki te 27kg te taumaha o öna würu. |
hadn’t been shorn for about 6 years,
and his wool weighed about 27kg.” |
34 |
Second sentence
(or part of it) and nothing else: |
te noho ia i töna kotahi i tëtahi ana i muri rä anö i ëtahi
hiwi, ä, käore i kitea e te kaipämu. |
lived alone in a cave high in
the hills where he wasn’t seen.” |
40 |
(or part of it) and nothing else: |
Nä tëtahi
o ngä kaimahi wahine a Shrek i kite, ko Ann Scanlon töna
ingoa. |
was a woman musterer called
Ann Scanlan who found Shrek.” |
54 |
sentence (or part of it)
and nothing else: |
ai ki a Ann he tino pai ki a ia äna mahi. |
said that finding Shrek was one
of the nicest things to happen to her.” |
19 |
Last sentence (or part of it)
and nothing else: |
rerekë te ähua o Shrek, he küwao hoki. |
said that Shrek was a very
strange looking wild sheep.” |
50 |
Last sentence (or part of it)
and nothing else: |
te moni ka hua mai i te kutinga o ngä würu o Shrek ka tukuna
hei äwhina i ngä tamariki e tino mäuiui ana. |
money from Shrek’s wool would be used to help sick children.” |
44 |
score: |
27 |
13 |
18 |
17 |
12 |
13 |
Performance on this task
was spread across the full range from six answers correct to no answers