ngä tohu äkonga
Ko tä koutou mahi i konei, he äta whakamärama, he tohutohu i te
röpü kia möhio ai rätou me pëhea te tü me te pupuri
i ngä haki nei. He wä mä ia tangata o te röpü.
Whakaaturia ngä haki e 6.
Ka hoatu tëtahi pikitia ki te kaikörero kia möhio ai ia me pëhea
te tü o te röpü me te pupuri anö i ngä haki. Käore
te pikitia e whäkina atu ki te röpü. Nö reira kia tino märama
ngä tohutohu a te kaikörero.
Anei tëtahi tauira pikitia e whakaatu ana i te tü a ëtahi
tängata tokotoru me te pupuri anö i ngä haki.
Whakaaturia te tauira pikitia.
Tokotoru koutou hei pupuri i ngä haki kia rite ki ngä tamariki i te
pikitia nei. Ko te tuawhä, mäu e tirotiro mënä e rite ana
ki te pikitia.
Tukuna he wä mahi.
Inäianei, he wä mä ia tangata, hei tohutohu mäna, me pëhea
te tü a te röpü me te pupuri anö i ngä haki. Ka hoatu
te pikitia ki te kaikörero. Mä te kaikörero e tohutohu te tü a
te röpü me pëhea hoki te pupuri i ngä haki. Kaua e whäkina
atu te pikitia ki te röpü. Kia märama tonu ngä tohutohu.
Mä Äkonga 1 e tïmata. Anei te pikitia. Kaua e whäkina atu
ki te röpü. Mäu e tohutohu me pëhea te tü a te röpü me
te pupuri i ngä haki.
Whakamaua te pikitia 1 ki te papa rawhi ka hoatu ai ki a Äkonga 1. Tohua
te wähi tü o te röpü kia kaua rätou e kite i te pikitia.
Waihotia ngä haki ki te papa, ki mua tonu i ngä äkonga tokotoru.
Kia përä anö ngä mahi mö Äkonga 1, 2, 3. Whakamaua
ia pikitia ki te papa rawhi kia kore e kitea e te röpü. |
this activity you are going to take turns at telling the others
how they should stand and hold these flags.
Show the 6 flags.
One of you will have a picture which shows how the others should stand and hold
the flags, but the others won’t see that picture. You will have to give
them very clear instructions without letting them see the picture.
Here is a picture to show you how three people might be asked to stand with their
Show example photograph.
Three of you can stand and hold the flags exactly as the children in the picture
are, and one of you can check to make sure they have done it the right way.
Allow time.
Now you’re going to take turns at telling the others how to stand and hold
the flags. One person will have the photo. That person will tell the others how
to stand with the flags – but they mustn’t show them or touch them.
They need to give very clear spoken instructions.
We’ll start with [Student 1]. I’ll give you a photo. The others in
the team must not see it, so you will have to tell them how to stand with the
Clip photo 1 to the clipboard and hand it to Student 1. Ensure that remaining
students are arranged so that they cannot see the photo being described. Place
flags on the floor in front of the 3 students.
Repeat for students 1, 2 and 3. Clip each photo on to the clipboard so the other
team members can’t see it. |