Approach: One
to one |
304Kb |
Describing a process |
Resources: |
recording on laptop computer, picture sheet |
mahi rorohiko tënei.
I roto i tënei mahi ka körero täua mö te mahi hängi.
1. Kua mahi hängi anö koe, kua kite ränei koe i tëtahi hängi
e mahia ana?
Tuatahi ka mätakitaki täua i tëtahi rïpene ataata poto
e pä ana ki te mahi hängi.
Päwhiria te pütohu Hängi. [Video uses series of still images,
same as picture sheet below, with voice-over]
Körero mai ki a au mö ngä ähuatanga katoa o te mahi hängi.
Hei äwhina i a koe, änei ëtahi whakaahua mai i te rïpene
ataata. E whakaahuangia ana ëtahi o ngä ähuatanga o te mahi hängi.
Hoatu te whärangi pikitia ki te äkonga.
Whakamärama mai ki a au, mai i te tïmatanga, he aha ngä ähuatanga
katoa o te mahi hängi. Äta whakamärama mai i ngä ähuatanga
katoa, kia möhio pai au me pëhea te mahi hängi. |
activity uses the computer.
In this activity we’ll be talking about how to make a hängi.
1. Have you ever made a hängi or seen a hängi being made?
We’ll start by watching a short video of a hängi being made.
Click the Hängi button to start the video.
[Video uses series of still images, same as picture sheet below,
with voice-over]
I’d like you to describe to me all of the things that have to be done to
make a hängi. To help you, here are some photos from the video. They show
some of the things to be done when making a hängi.
Give student picture sheet.
Now start from the beginning and tell me all the things you need to do to make
a hängi. Try to describe everything to me so that
I would know exactly what to do. |
video voiceover:
I ngä rä o mua, ko te hängi te tino tikanga a te
Mäori hei tunu i ä rätou kai. I ënei rä,
e haere tonu ana te mahi hängi i roto i ngä käinga
Mäori puta noa i te motu. Mäku e whakamärama me
pëhea te mahi hängi.
1. Ko te tikanga me whakareri ngä huawhenua me ngä mïti,
i te pö o mua atu, i te ata tonu ränei. Ko te wä o
te kai hei tohu i te wä whakareri i te kai. Ka mahi ngätahi
te hunga täne me te hunga wähine ki te whakareri i ngä kai.
2. Ka keria e ngä tane tëtahi rua.
3. Ka whakarite ngä täne i ngä poro räkau hei
hanga i te ahi. Ka utaina atu ngä köhatu ki runga rawa
o ngä poro räkau kia tino wera ai i te mura o te ahi
me ngä pungarehu. Ka whängai tonuhia te ahi ki ëtahi
wahia mö ngä häora torutoru nei kia tino wera ai
ngä köhatu.
4. Ka horahia ngä kai ki roto i tëtahi paepae kupenga
rino i mua o te kuhunga atu ki te hängi. Ko ngä kai he
roa rawa te tunu, përä i te mïti ki raro o te paepae,
ki runga, ko ngä kai he tere rawa te tunu, përä i
ngä huawhenua.
5. Kia tino wera mai ngä köhatu, ka whakatakoria atu
ki te rua. Ka ruiruia he wai ki runga i ngä köhatu ki
te wai kia puta mai te kohu. Kätahi ka utaina atu ngä paepae
kai ki runga i ngä köhatu. Ka uhia ngä kai ki ëtahi
papanga mä tonu, ä, ka utaina atu ëtahi paparanga
pëke huka. Ka mutu, ka taupokina ki te oneone.
6. I muri i te toru häora, ka äta huraina atu te oneone,
ka äta tangohia atu ngä papanga katoa, anä, ka hïkina
ake ngä paepae kai i te rua hängi. Ka whakahokia te oneone
ki te rua, ä, ka waihotia ngä köhatu kia tata mai,
hei mahi hängi anö ä töna wä. |
Long ago Mäori people had no stoves or pots. They made a hängi or earth
oven to cook their food. Today, a hängi is still used to cook food.
I’m going to describe how to make a Hängi.
The vegetables and meat are usually prepared the night before, or in the morning
(depending on how early the meal will be held). Both men and women help to get
the food ready.
In the morning the men dig a pit in the ground.
The men make a fire with logs of wood, and stones are placed among the wood in
the hot embers. The fire is fed with wood for a few hours to heat up the stones.
The food is put in trays before it goes into the hängi. The food that takes
longest to cook – usually the meat – is placed at the bottom. Food
that cooks more quickly, such as vegetables, is placed at the top.
The hot stones are placed at the bottom of the pit. Water is then sprinkled over
the stones to make steam. Then the trays of food are quickly put on top of the
stones. The food is covered with several layers of clean cloth, then layers of
sacks. Dirt is then shovelled over the sacks.
After three hours the dirt is scraped away, the cloth coverings are carefully
taken off, and the trays of food are lifted out of the pit. The pit is then filled
in, and the hängi stones are kept nearby so that they can be used again
for another hängi.
responses |
included in description: |
is prepared (vegetables and meat) |
98 |
dug |
96 |
dig pit and/or make the fire |
37 |
fire used to heat stones |
62 |
stones placed at bottom of pit |
32 |
sprinkled over stones (to make steam) |
44 |
trays put on top of stones |
28 |
vegetable trays go on top of meat trays |
50 |
is covered with cloth and/or sacks |
61 |
shovelled over coverings |
40 |
and coverings removed |
29 |
lifted out |
41 |
stored and pit filled in – |
parts |
7 |
part |
13 |
of steps: |
steps mentioned are in correct order |
49 |
step mentioned is out of correct order
30 |
or 3 steps mentioned are out of correct order |
17 |
jumbled |
2 |
meaningful response |
2 |
score: |
3 |
13 |
37 |
36 |
8 |
3 |
Students scored highly
on some of the elements in the process but many omitted quite a number
of the details shown in the video. As a result, almost half of the students
mentioned no more than half of the details shown.