Questions/instructions: Whakaaturia ngä whakaahua katoa. He umanga, he mahi ohanga, he mahi moni ränei e kitea mai ana i ngä whakaahua nei. Whakaaturia tëtahi o ngä whakaahua, waiho ërä atu whakaahua ki rahaki. Kia pënei te mahi mö ia whakaahua. Titiro ki ënei whakaahua. Whakawhitiwhiti körero mö ngä pätai kei runga i te käri nei. Kia mutu te whakawhitiwhiti körero, tuhia ä koutou whakautu ki te whärangi whakautu. Whiriwhiria ko tëtahi o koutou hei tuhi i ngä whakautu, tukuna he wä körero ki ia tangata o te röpü. |
responses |
1. Whakamäramatia mai he aha te mahi e kitea mai ana i ngä whakaahua? | |||||||
Photo 1: |
valid response (e.g. mahi harakeke/raranga) |
100 |
Photo 2: |
valid response (e.g. mahi räkau/whakatipu paina) |
92 |
2. Ko wai mä ngä tängata, röpü ränei e whai wähi atu ana ki tënei mahi? | |||||||
Photo 1: |
whänau (e.g. kuia, pakeke, tamariki etc) |
100 |
community (e.g. marae, hapü etc) |
25 |
retail (e.g. markets, shops etc) |
16 |
Photo 2: |
planters of the trees |
50 |
carers of the trees (e.g. pruners) |
8 |
cutters of the trees |
16 |
truck drivers/machinery operators |
25 |
3. He aha ngä painga ka puta i tënei mahi? | |||||||
Photo 1: |
income/paid work |
67 |
working together/co-operation |
25 |
the retention and/or development of weaving traditions |
42 |
accessibility of taonga for purchasers (e.g. tourists) |
25 |
Photo 2: |
income/paid work/employment |
50 |
skill acquisition by workers |
8 |
land is put to use |
0 |
economic benefits for community/country |
8 |
availability of raw materials for manufacturing/building |
42 |
4. He aha ngä ähuatanga käore e pai ana ka puta i tënei mahi? | |||||||
Photo 1: |
possible mis-treatment of the harakeke plant |
50 |
repetitive nature of work |
8 |
Photo 2: |
displacement of native flora and fauna |
25 |
dangerous nature of the work |
17 |
Commentary: |
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