:Measurement Items C
Trend Task
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Approach: One to one Level: Year 4 and year 8
Focus:Understanding a variety of measurements.
Resources: None.

% responses
2001 ('97)

1. The map shows the travel times between places on a bush walk. If John and Kate leave the camp at 9.00 a.m. and stop for 20 minutes at the waterfall, about what time will they arrive at the cave?
  A   2:00 p.m.      
  B   3:00 p.m.
  C   4:00 p.m.
51 (55)
2. I get out of bed at 7.45 a.m. I take 3 minutes to get dressed, 15 minutesfor breakfast, and 8 minutes to get to school. What time do I get to school?
8.11 with or without “am”
63 (62)
3. How many hours are equal to 150 minutes?

  A   1 1/2      
  B   2 1/4      
  C   2 1/2
30 (24)
56 (56)
  D   3  
4. The area of the triangle is

  A   6 square units      
  B   9 square units
23 (20)
69 (66)
  C   12 square units
  D   42 square units
5. If the area of the shaded triangle shown here is 4 square centimetres, what is the area of the entire square?

  A   4 square centimetres      
  B   8 square centimetres
26 (•)
50 (52)
  C   12 square centimetres      
  D   16 square centimetres
  E    Not sure
6. What is the area of the square?

9 cm
0 (•)
27 (26)
9 with incorrect or no unit
3 (•)
15 (16)
7. What is the reading on this scale?

3.2 with or without “cm”
32 (28)
51 (•)
8. The radius of the circle is 5.
What is the perimeter of the square?

  A   10
  B   20
  C   40
23 (•)
  D   25      
9. The time is 7.25a.m. I take 15 minutes for breakfast, 3 minutes to get dressed and 8 minutes to get to school.What time do I get to school?
7.51 with or without “am”
29 (21)
10. Which unit would you use to measure the length of a pencil?

  A   centimetres
88 (84)
  B   metres      
  C   kilometres
11. About how far could you walk in one day?

  A   centimetres      
  B   metres
  C   kilometres
57 (69)
12. The height of a person is about:

  A   2 metres
56 (52)
  B   20 metres      
  C   200 metres
  D   2000 metres
13. About how long is a bed?
  A   10 cm      
  B   100 cm
  C   200 cm
32 (29)
  D   500cm      
14. What is the most likely weight of a pencil?

  A   5 grams A
59 (57)
  B   5 kilograms      
  C   5 litres
  D   5 centimetres
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