Re-creating Music  : Musical Patterns  
Approach: Station

Resources: Instruction and music on videotape; answer sheet.

The student was introduced and guided through this task by the presenter on the video. There were six sets, each consisting of 3 lines of music. One line of each set had a minor variation and the student was required to identify which line was different.

Download the soundtrack of the videoclip 2.1meg ( requires QuickTime plug-in )

Questions / instructions:

Watch and listen to the video.
For each exercise decide which of the three pieces played is different from the other two.

Draw a ring around the pattern that is different.

  % responses
y4 y8
1. 1
38 64
2. 2
47 74
3. 1
18 31
4. 2
47 50
5. 3
51 62
6. 1
26 25
5 or 6 correct
3 or 4 correct
less than 3 correct

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