/ instructions:
Put marks
on the floor as explained during NEMP training.
I am going to play some music for you to listen to.
You will notice that it changes it will have different rhythms,
softness and loudness, highs and lows. I'll play it twice for
you to listen to.
Click the
Play button to start the video.
music repeats 2 times; there is an "L" on the screen.
Click the Pause button.
I'm going
to give each of you a stick, and I would like you to make up movements
with the stick to go with the music. Your movements will need
to match the music think about how you will use your stick
for high parts, low parts, gentle parts, busy parts, loud parts,
The music
will play four times.
I want you
to really enjoy practising and experimenting with your movements
on your own. I want you to stand in a circle on these marks facing
out. Each time the music ends, move around the circle one place
to your right.
Give students
the sticks.
Here are
the sticks. We'll start now.
Click the
Play button
The music will repeat four times; on the screen: "I1",
"I2", "I3", "I4" appear.