Questions / instructions: In this activity we want you to talk about your opinions, and the reasons for your opinions. The others will listen to what you say, then they will have the opportunity to agree or disagree with your opinions.
Here is what you are to do.
One person at a time picks a card off the top of the pile.
Read the card out loud - think about it - then start off talking by saying
"I agree, because ...." or
"I don't agree, because ..."
Show students the [above] prompt
Try to talk the others into what you are saying, and tell them as much as you can.
When you finish, the others each have a turn at saying
"I agree, because ...." or
"I don't agree, because ..."
Show students the [above] prompt card.
When each person talks they will try to talk the others into agreeing with with their ideas.
Continue the activity until each student has spoken to 2 cards.