Science: Living World
 : Classification
Approach: One to one                                                                                                               Level: Year 8 only
Resources: 16 cards featuring different dinosaurs

Questions / instructions:
In this activity you will be sorting cards into groups. Here are 16 cards showing pictures of dinosaurs for you to look at. Have a quick look at the cards now.

Allow a short period of time for the student to look through the cards.
I am going to ask you to sort the cards into different groups.You will need to think about how you are going to group them — the categories you will choose.


1. First, sort all of the cards into two groups. You need to think about how you will put them into two groups. Think about what will be special about each group. Students sorts cards into two groups. Now I would like you to tell me what is special about each group that you have made.

Sorted into 2 piles with good reasons


Gather in the cards, shuffle them, then hand them back to the student.
2. This time, sort the cards into three groups.
    Again, you need to think about how you will put them into three groups.
    Think about what will be special about each group.

Student sorts cards into groups.
Now I would like you to tell me what is special about each group that you have made.

Sorted into 3 piles with good reasons


Gather in the cards, shuffle them then hand them back to the student.
3. This time, sort the cards into four groups.
    Think about how you will put them into the four groups.
    Think about what will be special about each group.

Student sorts cards into groups.
Now explain to me what is special about each group that you have made.

Sorted into 4 piles with good reasons


Choose one of the four groups of cards, with at least 4 cards in it.
4. This time, I would like you to sort this group of cards into two more groups, then tell me how you chose those two groups.

Divided pile into 2 with good reasons


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