1995 science assessments included three extended assessment tasks and
five brief knowledge tasks related to Planet Earth and Beyond.
of the extended tasks and four of the brief knowledge tasks were completely
or largely the same for year 4 and year 8 students. Two further extended
tasks were attempted only by year 4 students, and one brief knowledge
task was attempted only by year 8 students. All of the tasks are released
tasks, described in detail here.
extended task occupies one page. The information provided includes the
supplies available to, the task instructions and questions, and a table
showing the percentages of students performing at identified levels
on each task component or aspect.
final page of the chapter presents the five brief knowledge tasks and
student responses to them. A sixth task, relating to scientific processes
and attempted only by year 8 students, is also included on that page
since there is no better place to include it in this report.
across the five tasks attempted by both year 4 and year 8 students,
47 percent of year 8 students produced correct or highly rated responses,
compared to 27 percent of year 4 students. This shows that year 8 students
possessed substantially greater skill and knowledge in this curriculum
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