
Trend task
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Approach: Team Level: Year 8
Focus: Effect of historical changes on people’s lives.
Resources: 4 pairs of “Now” and “Then” photographs, “then” and “now” activity sheets, reminder card, group worksheet.
This activity is about changes. Many changes have happened over the last 100 years that affect people’s lives and the environment.

% responses
1. You are going to start by working on your own. I’m going to give each of you a pair of pictures and an activity sheet. I want you to think about and write about what it would have been like living when each of these pictures was taken. You can make a list of ideas instead of writing in complete sentences.
You have 5 minutes to do this.
Give one pair of pictures and an activity sheet to each student. Allow 5 minutes. Teacher to withdraw to allow students to work on their own.
2. Now, working as one group, take turns at sharing your ideas with the others.
Teacher withdraws. After each student has shared a few ideas you can move them on to the next question.
3. Now here’s a group worksheet. Using your ideas from the “then and now” sheet, decide on four important changes to people’s lives and the environment that have taken place since the older picture was taken. Write them in the middle.
Then talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the changes. For each change several good and several not so good things may have happened.Make a list of these things in the appropriate box.
Give students the group worksheet and cue card. Allow 10 minutes. Teacher withdraws.
Quality of ideas about advantages and disadvantages:
Change 1:
rich and insightful
21 (6)
moderately full
31 (39)
some worthwhile ideas
44 (45)
Change 2:
rich and insightful
16 (3)
moderately full
24 (23)
some worthwhile ideas
51 (61)
Change 3:
rich and insightful
16 (0)
moderately full
26 (32)
some worthwhile ideas
51 (61)
Change 4:
rich and insightful
11 (3)
moderately full
27 (7)
some worthwhile ideas
49 (70)
Selection process:
decisions made by consensus, through constructive dialogue
36 (45)
decisions made by consensus, without much discussion
57 (42)
decisions made by one or two members without consensus
6 (13)
decisions made with unresolved disagreements
1 (0)
4. Now that you’ve finished your chart, tell me what you would have liked about living when the older picture was taken.  
rich and insightful
14 (7)
moderately full
30 (36)
some worthwhile ideas
46 (57)
5. What wouldn’t you have liked?
rich and insightful
15 (10)
moderately full
39 (37)
some worthwhile ideas
41 (53)
Total score:
15 (3)
32 (31)
43 (63)
10 (3)
In 2001, about 15 percent more teams than in 1997 made comments about the individual changes judged to be “rich and insightful”. Smaller gains were observed in questions 4 and 5. The students gave greatest attention by far to changes in transportation, with other changes in technology and changes in buildings/houses next most prominent. Little attention was given to changes in environment, population, lifestyle, business and health.
Chapter Graphic
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